Unusual.. but perfect!

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Third person pov:

(y/n) was known for not liking ANYONE. They hated almost everyone, all except a particular blonde boy. Most people were afraid of (y/n), but everyone is comfortable around Armin... which made them the most unusual, but yet perfect couple.

Armin was always there whenever (y/n) was mad or about to beat someone. And (y/n) was there for Armin when he wanted to tell stories whenever no one else would listen.

They were always there for each other and shared the same feelings..

Like they said... unusual, but yet so perfect together.

And here are some moments with our favorite couple...


"(y/n)? Are you awake?" Armin asked as he stood over (y/n)'s bed. He shook them a bit, hoping they would wake up.

"Wh- Armin? What are you doing here?" She/He asked them as they sat up slowly rubbing their eyes.

"I- I had a nightmare, and couldn't sleep." He whispered.

"Sorry! I should have never woken you u-" He was cut off by (y/n) hugging them, them pulling them into the bed with them. (no you dirty hoes- not like that.)

Armin got comfortable in their arms and rested his head on their chest while he wrapped his arms around them too.

"Don't be sorry. You can bother me whenever you want, and I won't complain." They reassured him sleepily as they kissed his forehead.


"Haha you're so funny, you know?" (y/n) gritted out. Her/His hands were in fists, glaring at the person who talked bad about Armin.

"I mean come on! He is useless, weak, and just a chunk of dead-weight. Why would anyone need him in any Regiments??" They kept on going, which made (y/n)'s blood boil.

"uh oh.. uhh someone get Armin.." Connie said in the distance watching everything happen. He was one of (y/n)'s friends, but oh lord was he scared when they were angry..

Jean ran inside to get Armin, and Armin came out almost immediately.

"That's it! YOU MOTHER FUCKER GET OVER HERE I WILL EN-" (y/n) started walking over to the guy, but someone put both of their arms around (y/n) from behind.


(y/n) knew it was Armin because of his scent, his touch, and also because everyone else who knew her/him was too scared to touch them. If they did touch them besides Armin, they would get their ass kicked because they don't like it when someone it touching them besides Armin.

"Darling, it's ok. Calm down. Deep breaths remember?" Armin soothed trying to calm them down, holding onto them before they can injure the other person.

"Okok, I'm calm. I'm calm." (y/n) replied breathing in and out slowly... but Armin knew that she/he still wasn't calm.

"(y/n).. I know you better than this. Just cal-"

Armin was interrupted by the guy laughing, which caused (y/n), Armin, Jean, and Connie, who were watching the whole time, turn to him.

"HAHAHAHAHA YOU NEED THE BLONDE TO TAME YOU!?! No wonder people say you make a good couple, so weak." He laughed.

"Ooo you dead now." Connie said from behind.

"Can I ingure him?" (y/n) asked Armin as they got madder.

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