Emotionless pt.2

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Armin's pov:

      Everyone was already headed to spar in the open field. Once we were all there we saw (y/n) getting ready to go on the balance system for our ODM gear.

"Find anything about them Armin?" Eren asked me.

I shook my head, "Not really, but they are really strange. They don't have hobbies only "take orders and survive" and they don't know what fun is! And they never showed any sign of emotion the whole time."

"WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT FUN IS!?!" Connie and Sasha yelled from behind all of a sudden.

"AHHH don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed.

"No promises, but who doesn't know what fun is!?!" Connie asked.

"(y/n)." Eren answered before I could.

"I knew that he/she is like mindless, but to not have any fun!?!? Awwww poor soul." Sasha said.

"Mikasa Ackerman! Armin Arlert! and Eren Jeager!" Instructor Keith yelled.

Everyone stopped sparing or whatever they were doing.

Me, Eren, and Mikasa walked over to (y/n) and Keith.

"Take (y/n) to the forest to train with the ODM gear. Not to attack the dummies, just to train around the trees with it." Keith instructed to us.

"Yes sir!" Mikasa, Eren, and I replied.

"Cadet (y/n), you will follow Armin again." And then Keith walked away to watch the other cadets train.

Mikasa and I unbuckled (y/n) off the straps, while Eren was getting new ODM gear for her/him.

~time skip~

We were at the forest already. We all had our ODM gear on. I already explained (y/n) the parts of the ODM gear and how to use them.

"Ok (y/n) first your gonna go from that tree and just hang there for a while alright?" I told them.

"Here Mikasa and Eren will demonstrate to those trees over there" I pointed.

Mikasa and Eren took off to the distant trees like I told them.

"Ok (y/n), your turn."

She/he nodded at me and in a swift move they were on the tree.

They did it so perfectly...

I made my way to where (y/n) was.

"That was perfect! Good job. Ok, now we are going to try to use them so we can move around swiftly. Mikasa! Eren! Use the ODM gear to go about 20 feet! We'll follow."

Mikasa and Eren nodded their heads and went off to the distance.

"Ok (y/n) now you go. I'll trail along behind you alright? Just stop at a nearby tree once you see Eren and Mikasa."

They nodded their head and was off.

Third person pov:

(y/n) was moving swiftly and fast with the ODM gear. She/He looked like they have been using it for years, but really, only for about a few minutes. She/He trained more with Mikasa, Eren, and Armin, until they took a break after an hour.

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