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Yes still minhos pov
I'm carrying both boxes in my hands per usual when I reach the house. My eyes a bit red from crying a couple minutes ago. Knowing well that I would never see my 'mother' again, but I know that I had someone who meant the world to me. The guy that saved me, well not really but made sure that I was ok all this time. So, today is the day.

"MINHO!!!" Jisung shouted at me as he came running down the stairs. "I-I uhhh..." he looked pale.

"what's up Jisung...?" I grab him by his shoulders and give him a reasurring smile almost as if tell him that I wouldn't be mad at him.

"I kinda... I wanted to uh cook. AND THERE IS A FIRE MINHO!!" Jisung panicked yelled as I slowly lost my mind.

"WHERE IS JINWOO?? JISUNG WHERE IS JINWOO??" his face turned more pale. "JISUNG!!" I yelled as I rushed into the house to find small flames... the flames from the stove... "JISUNG HAN JISUNG GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" He walked in as he realized that what he thought were big flames were just small little ones that wouldn't affect anyone. Literally no one.

"I'm sorry!!" he ran up to me and gave me a low hug. I sighed as I pet his head. "If there were ever an actual fire I'm ditching you. I can't believe you would save yourself before Jinwoo." I let a small chuckle out before shacking him off. "Promise me you won't cook unless someone is looking after you" I laughed as he pouted and hit me. Reality hit me when I realized that I couldn't find any of the rings... I must've dropped them while running in here. "JI give me the quickest minute I dropped something when I ran here." as I was about to run out he pulled them out.

"Oh you mean these." he half smiled. "You dropped them when you ran in here and suddenly I feel terrible I ruined your surprise." He looked down, but that didn't matter. What mattered was if he wanted to keep it.

"so...? what is your answer?" I lifted his face to look at my eyes. We stared at each other for the longest time before I could see his cheeks and ear slowly turn bright red. He nodded as he took one of the rings out.

"that is yours you dumbass." He stopped in his tracks as he realized that the ring didn't fit my finger. I took it from his hand and placed it on his ring finger. "I Lee Minho here by agree to be by your side forever and ever until death may do us part, but even in death I want you next to me Ji. You don't understand How much I truly love you. You complete me and make my heart race whenever I see your smile. You changed my life dramatically and I hope to make you the worlds happiest boy alive. I love you" I lifted his hand to reach my lips as I kiss it. Soft tears started to fall from his eyes as he chuckled for a second before speaking

"I didn't know we need to prepare a confession" He laughed harder this time as he grabbed the correct box and pulled out my ring. "Dear Lee Minho I Han Jisung promise to cherish every moment in the future and moments from the past forever and ever. ummm. I love you. You truly changed my life 10x more than I changed yours. Thank you for always making everyday better and look much more colorful. I love you." He did the same as me pulled my hand up and kissed it. I quickly hugged him and pulled him into a kiss.

"God you are perfect"

He giggled.

I grabbed some wine so that we could celebrate. I turned around to smile at Jisung instead I caught him looking at his ring. His face said "is this for real" he couldn't stop staring at it. there are certain reasons why I love this man.

We headed towards the balcony the cool wind hitting us while hearing the waves collid with the surface. It was peaceful. The stars filled the sky with little to no clouds at all it was all perfect and just like that the night came to an end. Our love blossomed more than ever and we made ourselves some history that day that would change our sons life for the rest of his teen years.

But for now this was Mine and Jisung's story. Our End of childish love to something greater.


IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO PUBLISH honestly didn't feel like writing and thought of just leaveing it unfinished but I managed to write this final chapter I really hope you all enjoyed this story!! I did it was so much fun writing I hope to write more in the future, but for now I will be going on a break from writing clearly im not good at time management. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL!!! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS AND THANK YOU FOR 4.5K READS THATS SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL!! well until we meet again!!! <<<3333

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