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Looking for a damn job is hard as shit. Especially when you graduate from a school no one knows about.  I reached my house. Threw myself onto bed and sighed. Why can't I find a job. There are so many red stickers on most of my furniture. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly lost my house. I went to take a shower when I suddenly I hear a knock at my door.

"hello Mr. Han Jisung right?" A random worker well he seemed like a worker asked me

"yes this is Jisung, what's wrong?" I question the worker. As he handed me a piece of paper.

"you're over debt I'm sorry to do this to you but you have to leave this house." He said heartless "Please leave immediately" 

I stood there in shock. Where am I supposed to go? I don't have anybody. I can't go to my parents they're in America. I don't have many friends, but there is one. I can't even ask him tho. He's a fucking rich ass mother fucker. Does he even still consider me a friend? No he's my last option. I walk back into my house to pack my bags. Again nowhere to go no place to call home.

That is how I ended on the streets.

It started to pour... great amazing just my luck. I head towards a bus stop when I suddenly hear a car honk my way. I turn to look at where the sound came from...

The car was black and very elegant if I do say so myself. The person opened the door. Shocked that's what I was.

It was Minho... what is he doing here. Shit he saw my luggage. Shit shit shit.... what to do. He'll want to help me out, but he shouldn't be helping someone like me. He probably doesn't consider me a friend. As I start to run from him I feel a hand on my arm.

"J-jisung..." i turn to face the man in front of me, his eyes filled with concern. "What happened... why are you out in the pouring rain with your luggage where are you going?? I'll take you there come on get in." He said but I didn't want to move not one bit. He pulled on my hand but then realized something "what's wrong jisung.... if you can't tell me what happened I won't be able to help you... for now let's talk in the car I don't want you to get a cold from standing out here."

My eyes start to water. I've been holding so many emotions in the anger, sadness, unwell ness, frustration of not being able to get a job. I finally broke down and it was in front of the one and only Lee Minho. My old best friend who cared so much for me. The one person who never questioned anything. He just wrapped me around his arms. Until we both heard something.

*click* *click* *click* *click*

The sound of a camera that seemed to taken more than 10 pictures. Why because he is the one and only Lee Minho the richest man, who also owns the biggest company in South Korea "Neko"

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