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My one and only best friend lee Felix.

His house still the same. Nothing has changed except that I no longer live near him. It's weird it's been a couple of days, yet he hasn't contacted me. I wonder why??

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Lee. How have you guys been?" I asked them as I took my shoes off, but they didn't answer. I looked up.

"JISUNG welcome home sweetie we missed you so much." Mrs. Lee told me as she came to hug me.

"I missed you guys as well.. sorry I haven't been able to keep in contact with you guys." I explained to them as I pulled away. I smiled.

"Want to talk about it??" Mr. lee said

I walked over to where Felix was sitting and explained to them what exactly happened. The only thing I didn't tell them was that I was living with Minho. Since you know he is to well known so I just told them I was staying with a friend.

"You know you could've come to us." Mrs. Lee said with sympathy in her voice.

"I just really didn't want to be a bother" I explained my eyes looking at them both "don't get me wrong. I would love to live with you guys but I don't want to be a burden. Plus I can promise you this much, the person I am living with is really kind and i've known him almost my whole life." I explained so they wouldn't have to worry.

"well I trust you jisung" Mrs. Lee said as she patted my shoulder. "do want some dinner or do you just want to talk to Felix?" She asked me remembering that I told Minho that i would be back before dinner.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee maybe so other time I can stop by and eat with you guys." I said as I gave her a quick little smile and headed towards Felix's room.

"Jisung I've been meaning to tell you this for the longest time..." He paused as he saw me entering the room. "I- Sorry I was thinking to myself"

"No don't worry continue. What do want to tell me" I said as i went and sat next to him.

"You see Jisung" He paused but continued "I'm gay and I promise that I didn't mean to keep it away from you I just didn't want you to be like 'oh you're also gay when I suddenly came out to you' I know that you aren't that type of person... I just never had the courage to tell you until recently because I..." I couldn't hear his last words.

"hmm what was that" I said as i moved myself closer to him. "Felix it's ok you can tell me anything. You obviously know that I won't judge you." I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"I-i kinda sort of have a... boyfriend" He finally let the words escape his mouth.

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE CONGRATS LIX" I said as I pulled him into a hug. "but what do you mean kinda" That's when my phone went off. I looked at it and it was from Minho... "Ignore it continue, I also kinda sort of have to go home, but like I said continue."

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