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Seungmin offered to give me a ride home all while Minho was looking. I politely declined and said I'd be walking home since it wasn't to far from the office. (A lie of course) he agreed and said he'd call me next time.

By the time I got home it was already 9:30. I sighed.

I slowly opened the door. There he was standing there.

"You're finally home. I wanted to talk to you Jisung come sit down." He motioned me towards the dinning table. His voice was stern and scary. I sat down quickly. " Jisung who was that guy??" He asked me as he got his work papers from the desk that was far to the left.

"You mean seungmin??"

"Yeah the loud one." He stated obviously sounding pissed off.

"Woah there Minho 'the loud one'" I said as I drew quotations around the loud one. "Look Minho I don't know why you're so mad about him cuz if I'm honestly speaking he is the softest most cheerful guy ever and today when you said that you hurt his feelings" I stated getting mad at him.

"Ok if he's that great why don't you go live with him" what the fuck is wrong with him. You can't tell me his jealous of a puppy boy like him.

"Minho what the fuck.... if you hate me that much just tell me and I'll move out!" I pushed myself up from the chair causing it to fall.

His head swiftly turned towards the noise. "Ugh"

I stumped up to him. "What's your problem with him anyways he didn't even do anything to you."

"Is it so hard to understand that I don't want you to be talking to some other guy or like I said if he's that great go live with him!" His voice started getting louder.

"Fine then I WASNT THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO LIVE HERE TO BEGIN WITH. YOU PICKED ME UP FROM THE STREETS. WHY?? IF YOURE GOING TO BE LIKE THIS THEN YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER HELPED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE." I finally lost it and yelled at him. I quickly went to my room and started to get my suitcase.

I finished packing everything. I waited till I saw that he wasn't in the dinning hall anymore. I quickly opened my door only to see him standing there ready to knock on my door. His eyes widen.

"Move Minho. I'm going to spend the night at one of my friends house. Just leave me be for tonight... I'll be home probably in two weeks I need some time and I guess you do too." I said not looking at him. He put his hand under my chin causing me to look at him. He gave me a quick peck causing me to blush and push away.

"I'm sorry jisung..." he said as he got pushed off. "I was just a bit jealous of how close he was with you..." he said causing me to get shocked by what he did next.

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