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I woke up the next morning laying on top of something hard yet soft. I slowly opened my eyes just to find out that I was sleeping on top of Minho. I smiled to myself and looked up to see his messy hair. Little snores coming out of his mouth.

"God what did I do to deserve such a beautiful person" I whispered to myself as a put my head back down to the chest that was breathing heavily but quietly. Slowly my eyes started to close again.

I woke up once more but this time to the softness of the mattress that Minho's bed had. The door slowly opened and a small head popped out from below. A child?? My eyes were still trying to focus on what they were seeing.

"Hello!!" The little high pitched voice said. "Mister are you awake??" The little boy said as he walked into the room. "Hello!!" He jumped onto the bed this time. "I can see your eyes you know that right?" He smiled.

"I'm sorry let's redo that my brain isn't comprehending this." I put my head back onto the pillow. WHAT THE FUCK IS A KID DOING HERE??? DID I MISS SOMETHING? ALSO WHERE THE FUCK IS MINHO WHY AM HERE RIGHT NOW NO WHAT IS THIS KID DOING HERE. I turned my head to face the small boy once more. He was just sitting there smiling at me.

"GOOD MORNING... sunshine..." Minho bursted into the room as his smiled faded seeing the little boy. "JINWOO I- What what what... what are you doing here bubs???" He started panicking. "JSIUNG AVERT YOUR EYES YOU DIDNT SEE ANY OF THIS!!" He shouted at me.

"MINHO SHUT UP WILL YOU I JUST WOKE UP WHAT DO EXPECT OF MEEE!!! MY SMALL BRAIN CANT TAKE ALL THIS INFORMATION!! IM LOST IM CONFUSED. LET ME WAKE UP FIRST!!" I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. "I will be back and you better have answers Minho." I shot my eyes at him.

"Yes... ji..." he lowered his head as he mumbled something that I couldn't hear.

I got out of the bathroom and just as I thought both the kid and Minho were sitting at the dinning table. The sight made my heart burst it was so adorable seeing Minho with a kid. The way he was just feeding him and pinching his cheeks and doing something well something Minho wouldn't usually do unless if it were me... GOD MY LIFE HAS BEEN COMPLETE. Ok jisung calm down we don't even know where this kid came from.

I walked up to the dinning table where Minho peered his head up and the little kid came running towards me

"Hey hey mister you're really soft you know that!!" He smiled so kindly towards me. "Can you pick me up!??" He asked me. Oh my god my heart this kid is so soft and

"Of course I will!!" I picked the small boy up into my arms "what's your name little one??" I asked him.

"Lee jinwoo!" He answered me. Lee huh.


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