Chapter 25 *THE TALK*

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Third Person P.O.V

To say the least that the Heroe's defeated the Yakuza wasn't an understatement. It was definitely a challenging one since Kai Chizaki has a powerful quirk but due to Eri's sudden release of her quirk at the hero who saved her, All Might (A/N: Yes I know that Deku was the one who saved Eri but as you may all know Deku isn't with them and Since All Might Didn't retire yet so he's the one who defeated Chizaki, but the way they fought is just like the fight between Deku) The number one hero felt a large amount of power entering his body thus defeating Chisaki and rescuing Eri. The sad part was one casualty which was Sir Night Eye who was stabbed by a sharp rock And Mirio who just lost his quirk but assured him that It will come back naturally. 

Indeed It was true Eri had the 9th Crystal which was the Pink One. 

She was hesitant at first to even talk to everyone only opening up to Mirio since he acts like a brother to her

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She was hesitant at first to even talk to everyone only opening up to Mirio since he acts like a brother to her.

"Apparently she was the Grand Daughter of the Former Yakuza Boss before Kai took over, It was a gift from him before Dying" Mirio explained in Nezu's office along with the Pro Heroes who helped. Nezu asked about the Girls past but to their luck the Girl didn't remember a lot all that she knows was that She accidentally erased her father, driving her mother to insanity to the point she sold Eri to Kai to do experiments. But to Nezu it was enough information for him to diagnose the kid with PTSD, and Paranoia.

At the end of the Day, they got hold of the crystal and keeping it safe well in a safe that Nezu had, While Aizawa got fond of Eri so he decided to Adopt her, The kid didn't seem to mind it at all.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I didn't know what to feel about this bullshit that's happening. 

One being that Deku, My boyfriend that I literally just got a hand once again a few months ago is now going to fucking fight with The number one villain, Not even all might defeat that Bastard. It may seem that I don't care and didn't know what to feel when I was with those extra's yesterday and today but I'm just as concern about the Nerd as everybody else in this room.

Next to being That Brainwash freak has maybe the last Crystal and still didn't gave it to his sorry ass Dad (Aizawa) And who knows what will happen if we didn't get all the crystals together.

My mind was running a million miles an hour just by thinking from all this crap. I didn't know what else to do since the class was once again cut of mid-day to I think to save that Kid that Permentabitch (Mirio) was talking about.

My room was next to Washing Machine and since the U.A is being cheap, the walls are paper-thin. I can faintly hear that Freak talks to his cat that he somehow snuck into the dorms. But today I could also hear a low and tired voice so I think it was our sorry excuse of a teacher. I started to listen to wit their conversation by pressing my head in the walls. God this is so Dumb

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