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Katsuki's P.O.V

"D-DEKU ?!' I-IS T-THAT REALLY Y-YOU?!" I said to him, the extras look at me weird, I shrugged of their stares and just looked directly at the Greenette.

"Hello, Katsuki Bakugou, or should I say 'Kacchan" The nerd replied with the last word ending in an erotic way that sends chills down to everyone's spines.

He then broke our eye contact and continued to answer the questions that the extras throw to them, My eyes never left the Nerd as questions about him filled my thoughts.

'Where did Deku go?'

'Why did he come back after almost 10 years of him being missing?'

'Why does he look so hot?' Wait WHAT?!.....

My little trantrum in my head was interupted when shitty hair asked me a stupid question.

"Yo bakubro, how did you know the new student, Especially the powerful one there?" He pointed at deku.

"Remember the story that i told you about the childhood friend that went missing for 10 years?" I asked shitty hair, while i sat down to my chair as i lowered my head him taking another chair and dragging it infront of my desk and sittig right infront of me. Shitty hair is the only one who new about my childhood, Especially the connection i had with Deku.

"The one that you had a 'connection' with?, Yeah Why?" He aswered. The word connection is vague for i have feelings for Deku since we were child, especially that time when i kissed him under the cherry blossom tree, The thought of it made my face flushed red, so i hid my head from the crowd that still insn't done questioning the 2, Apparently shitty hair saw this.

"Awwwww look at bakubro, Its the first time i see you get flustered, and be soft, Its eally suits you, You know?" He then chuckled.

"SHUT UP HAIR FOR BRAINS...." I shoot my head up to shout at him before again lowering my head once more "....And yeah...that one.... well, you can see from yourself that the childhood friend that i told you is that Nerd over there" I pointed my thumb toward the Nerd,

"Oh my god dude, then tell him how you feel clearly you have feelings for him and The way he said your nickname 'Kacchan' send everyone shivers, for sure he has feelings for yo-" I covered his mouth to cut of on what he was going to say after.

"Fuck NO, Shitty hair, I mean look at him and remeber the picture that i showed you, He is not the scrawny, Whining, Nerd that i remember" I said cleary having a sad tone.

"You cannot say that's for sure Bakugou, Yeah clearly he changed alot from the last time you showed me but Bakugou..." He took my hand and held it tightly, I looked at him eye to eye, Even though i hated the presence of this shitty extras, but for Shitty Hair I can say anything and For once i trusted Him. "10 Years is a very long time now, People change, apperance, ideologies, beliefs and so so much more, So before you jump to conclusions again and do rational choices, Talked to him how you really feel there's no harm in trying right" He is clearly caring about me, for he also knows what i dis dor the last 10 years that Deku went missing.

"For a guy with hair for brains, for once you sounded matured," I told him clearly having a small smile while still looking down, but visible enough so he can see it.

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