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(Hello my lovely cinnamon roll this is the first chapter of the "SLUMBER PARTY ARC" expect it to be longer and no fighting, It's just filled with Class 1-A being Class 1-A full of craziness, friendship, Fluff, sorry no Smut yet but the next chapter will for sure)

--------Time skip brought to you by Izuku topping and fucking the brains out of Katsuki------

Izuku's P.O.V

It's already Saturday and the Hosu incident happened on Tuesday so Iida got back to class though they all think that I did the job of capturing the Hero killer which is partially true, Enough of that, Today is the day that The slumber party of Class 1-A will occur in my house.

"Currently its 8 in the morning and the Party is 12 so better start cooking, prepare their sleeping needs, and cleaning" I said to myself as I walked down the stairs, not even bothering to fix my bed hair or even change from my sweatpants

I grabbed all the ingredients to atleast start the feast, for all I know does 1-A students have monsterous appetites from training and studying and believe me ive been there. I started to heat up the oven to bake a cake, a batch of cinnamon rolls, and other pastries. Next was the Main courses which are Both American and Japanese dishes, lastly their drinks that are goipng to be fruit juices, Sodas and Vodka for students who like to get drunk since its a saturday anyways. I finish all of the food in about 11 am, 1 hour left before they arrive. I already let the helicopters fly towards U.A to pick-up the students just an hour ago,

One and a half Hour Ago

I was still stuffing the turkey with the help of Monsieur Garcia when i moticed it's already 10 so I lend the job to Garcia to finish up the turkey and assemble the food and other snacks in the table and prepare the Living room for all the commotion that will happened later for me I need to call a certain Angry Pomeranian Boom Boom Boy, I got my phone and went to my recent calls all of them are either from Squad Alpha telling tad bits of information about the condition of 1-A or Kacchan which takes up 80% of my contacts to be honest so I pressed his number and awaut for his answer.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I was Cooking Breakfast for the shitty extra's when my phone buzzes, I looked on who was calling. My eyes change from Pissed to clam and by instinct my mouth formed a smile making ereyone that see's me mostly the Guys Gasped and the Girls squeel and chanting an 'OOOOHHHHH!!!!' Before I aswered it I gave the Extras a death Glare so they would Shut the Fuck Up and they did, I sighed and pressed the Answer button, I didn't bother leave the Kitchen for I was still cooking,


K: Hey Nerd why did yah call I'm busy with cooking the extars breakfast.

I: Oh did I call in a bad time, I can call you later but its important but if you....Mutter, Mutter

K: SHUT THE FUCK UP NERD!, and no, you can call me everytime.

I: Sorry kacchan, Anyways remember the sluber Party that I will be hosting today?

K: Yeah, all the extras are really excited, they won't shut up about it for 4 days and it's getting really annoying, well you said that we will be there 12 nood right?

I: Yup actually i already told the 2 pilots to fly there and abut to land in a momet so please Hurry, I don't want you all to be late, YOU DON'T WANT ME TO BE ALL SHITTY AND PISSED TO YOU!, by the way put me on speaker please, and call you classmates for i have something to say.

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