Chapter 4 *DEKU?!*

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'Wow its almost been 10 years since im here, hu?.  All the training that i did up until now really paid off, I still remember my First mission when I was 10, *Sigh.....* I defenitly improve, Physically i got buffer, im no longer the Scrawny boy 10 years ago. I also became more Inlligent having an I.Q much greater that a regular 17 year old, and lastly Quirk wise i was 10 times more powerful than before but Dad prohibited me to summon any kind of Army troops if and only its necessary, I got better at summoning different types of powerful weapons and vehicles, Not to mention I became the Commander of Squad Alpha and 4 star General (behind dads 5 star General of the Army) at age 16 which made me the youngest one to hold these title and all of that within 10 years'

------Izuku's P.O.V-----


The sound all the alarm clocks in the baraks blaring at the same time telling us to get up. We are now used to this nothing is new here just the same old same old. I soon got up fixed my bed neatly and did my morning routine which is to wash, moisturize, fix my hair, and brush my teeth. As i got out of the bathroom everyone was almost done with what their doing. I walked in the middle of the room and stopped, I hated to be serious infront of the squad because inside here we are all friends, we cared, we supprted eachother, we bonded, we even tell each others past, and that needs trust with one other, but trully i trusted them and they seem to trust me, But now keep up the act first and be serious...

"Squad Alpha on your positions Now!" I said sternly while the 4 rushes to form a line at the back of me, I turned and looked at them up and down..

"Morning protocall commence..." I said once again..

"SIR!YES SIR!" They all responded at the same time with a salute...

"Cadet Topaz, Technical support of Squad Alpha base A" Said Tina, one of the members and a truelly great friend, She is like the Mother to the Squad, The very mature thinker, despite her age of 18 years old. She is incharge with all things technology around here, she's the best of her kind making her way to squad alpha which she deserve...

"Cadet Onyx, Combat Support of Squad Alpha base A" Utter by Jasper, The so called brawns of the Group, He is way way buffer than me making him scary, but he has a soft spot for bunnies and kittens that only the squad knows, and his the oldest in the group with an age of 20 years old, because of his Raw power without using his quirk he got up to Squad Alpha in no time at all which he deserves also....

"Cadet Apatite, Intelligence Support of Squad Alpha base A" Now for Aron, The brains of the Squad. The total opposite of Jasper yet super close, a little to close if you ask me, His quirk makes his I.Q sky rocket to the roof, he can predict on whats going to happen in the next 24 hours so he is helful in missions so we can plan ahead. even though he seems like a 'Nerd' He still trained like any regular soldier like combat and quirk, due again to his quirk he didn't need to go to regular class for he already got his Ph.d in Physics when he was only 16 in Harvard University (His I.Q is so high that he tends to break the fourth wall) Oh he is also 18 years old too....and lastly

"Cadet Morganite, 1st Hand commander of Squad Alpha base A" Finally Ingrid, My so called secritary of the squad, we are the most close due to the fact that we are always by eachother for our jobs, She's the most lively, talkative and very outgoing one out of the 5 of us which makes the Squad more full of energy, She speciallizes in all categories combat, Quirk Apprehension, Missions, Brains and so much more, she's also 17 years old making me the youngest one but the most feared one in the Squad.

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