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---------Time skip Brought to you by Kaminari being pinned down by Kirishima------

Izuku's P.O.V

It has been 3 weeks of training and let me tell you they improved so much to the degree that they can beat pro heroes, not all might but some pro's, here's the break down on what happened....

The day after I gave them the drug enhancer they became more taller all of the sudden, their faces morphed into a more bored, unimpressed, emotionless, poker face, don't get the idea wrong their not totally emotionless or completely lost their emotions its just they show a more not impressed face to show that their more stronger in battle.

Uraraka before is 5.1 now she grew 5.4
Hagakure was 5.0 now 5.3
Aoyama is 5.6 now 5.8
Koda is pretty tall to begin with, he was 6.1 now he grew at least 6.3, lastly
Kaminari was fairly tall now since he has the drug enhancer before, he's currently 5.8.

They also became smarter so much it rivals Momo, but not as smart as Nezu, Their I.Q falls between 180-250, I have given them multiple test like, Calculus, Molecular structures, even going as far as Neuroscience, all seem to past with minimal wrong answers. They also became more logical thinkers as they can now analyze super quickly and give out results with a 99% chance of getting it right, for instance, they can now analyze and predict a persons movement in battle (A/N: Just like DEKU in the Anime) they can use it in battle.

And lastly their quirks have also evolve. They can now exceed the potential of their quirks with minimal to no drawbacks at all,

Uraraka can now lift up to 500 tons and even levitate herself, she can control where the things she lifts go, she still needs to touch the object or person in order to lift them, she can use hand gestured to where she wants it to go, and she also need to tap all her fingers to each other in order to release the said object or person. Her hero costume didn't change much for the only upgrade is a utility belt that consist of first aid stuff, a stunt gun and quirk canceling handcuffs.

Hagakure can now bend any type of light (Just like in the anime also), she now doesn't need to take off her gloves and shoes for she can now turn anything at her own will or anyone she touch for 5 minutes maximum.

Koda was 100% times more confident than before. He can now talk without stuttering or even using sign language. His hero costume has a significant upgrade of having a mouth guard that has a mic, his suit has speakers in the shoulders that is connected wireless to the mic, it helps with the range of his anivoice it can reach up to 5 kilometers, he also has a utility belt like Uraraka's, she has some bird seeds for the birds, first aids stuffs, and quirk canceling handcuffs.

Aoyama can now shoot his laser more powerful it is now color red with blueish violet in the middle making the laser more hotter and 'Sparklier~✨' as he would say, his laser can either be a sharp shooter or a huge burst, while making other blind, he doesn't get stomach ache when using his quirk only when over using it by long periods of time which is by the way after a full 5 hours of continuous use. His hero costume is also improved from the cape that can be harden into tungsten when he wants to, and lasers that shoot not only from his stomach but also from his shoulders, back, and and legs, he can shoot them at the same time but reduce the time for continuous use, he also developed his new power move which he calls "shining sprinter" where he runs and leaps into the air spins and activates his quirk making the lasers spin in different directions and to be honest it was pretty amazing.

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