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Izuku's P.O.V

I woke up 5 minutes before 5, i was between kacchan and todoroki. I was about to get up when i feel an arm around my waist, it was kacchan's, he was still spooning me thightly, i gaze upon the beautiful sight of kacchan sleeping peacfully with a small smile, seeing him like that makes me want to sleep even more but as a General i need to be up early and do my duties. I gently remove kacchan's arm around my waist, he grunted to the sudden movement but still not enough to completely wake him up. I replaced myself with a pillow and gently placed his arm down, he immediatly held on to it tighter, I let out a small chuckle at his movement.

"He really does love me, he cant even let me go" I said to myse,f as i glace around the living room, Mostly are still asleep, except for 2 people, Tokoyami which is due to his Emoness, he looks like he doesn't sleep at all and Kaminari who has his phone while His boyfriend still held on to him dead as a rock (no pun intended). I walk towards Kaminari to atleast have some company in the morning, he didn't notice me that i was now in their feets until i spoke,

"your up really early Kaminari-kun" He slightly screamed and threw his phone towards me, i catched it fairly easily and handed it back to him,

"Midoriya!,...You scared the bazongkers out of me" He said gathering his breathe, I lightly chuckled,

"Sorry bouth that, So why are you awake at 5 in the morning" I asked,

"It's a force of habit i wake up 3 in the morning, i tried to make coffee but Kirishima's heavy arms are wrapped around me i can't get out from it, I tried to call Tokoyami for help because i know he's the only one who is still up but he didn't heard here i am stuck in Kirishima's thight grip for almost 2 hours. I even started to seach in google 'ways to get out of boyfriends death grip'" He said, i almost burst out a loud laughter but controlled myself, I dont want the class to be awaken from their sleep.

"Accompany me, if i help you out?" I asked, he nodded vigorously. I went into their position and started to lift up Kirishima's hand, I was shocked on how heavy it was, slightly heavier than Kacchan's,

"God, his arms are heavier than Kacchan's and that almost killed me from the lack of oxygen, How are you even Alive?" I whispered, he laughed a little as he squirms out of the deadly hug. I replaced kaminari with a pillow and lowered kirishimas hand onto it. Once he got out he streched his body hearing some satisfying pops. We walk towards the kitchen to make coffee, while waiting we talked mostly him about meme's and school. Once the coffee is done i poured it in two mugs and handed one to him, We both put creamer into it and a crap ton of sugar, We both noticed and laughed.

"Hey Denki..." He stopped sipping his coffee and looked at me " gonna announce something later when everyone is awake, but i trust you to not utter a word, if you do..I WILL PURPOSLY CUT KIRISHIMA'S DICK MYSELF SO YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX WITH HIM...GOT IT?" I threatened him making him shiveer and nodded rapidly while he crosses his heart repeatedly.......

It was now 6 in the morning almost everyone was awake all have either bed hair that both Kaminari and I laughed, dry drool mostly Kaccham and Kirishima that made both of us say 'Awwwww' and 'Ewwwwww' at the same time. I already told Kaminari what i was about to say to the class, he was shocked when he heard it, but i left some few details that surely will make him and 4 others scream in excitement.

Kacchan and Monsieur Garcia are the once who are cooking our breakfast and suprisingly Kacchan stayed fairly modest around him, they cooked Pancakes and bacon. Everyone was now in the table waiting for their food, Kacchan and Monsieur Garcia handed them 3 pancakes and 2 pieces of bacon, with a side of either orange Juice or Coffee, Kacchan sat beside me eating his food, everyone now was talking and having fun, Kaminari looked at me and gave a 'Are you gonna say it now?' Look and i nodded. I stood up grabbing my wine glass filled with orange juice and a fork,

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