Chapter 18 *5 VS ALL*

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--------Time skip brought to you by Iida fucking the hell out of his twink in lightning speed--------

Izuku's P.O.V

Currently we are now at the Air base waiting for Yagi, The 5 interns are rather excited that the Number 1 hero is going to be in the same plane as them and all to themselves. Yagi had agreed to atleast talk and interact with them as they of course idolized the said man. Yagi and I are really great friends well Him and Dad did have a strong friendship, so strong infact that when my Dad was being buried he was a crying mess to a point that he wanted to jump inside the hole and be with him, it took us about an hour to talk some sense to him and making him calm down. If you are all wondering as to why my Dad and Yagi are great friends?. During a major fight between Yagi and a S-rank Villain, Giganticus, here in America, All major defense force was send out to help beat down the said Villain while helping the citizens. Dad was commanding some fighters as to what they need to do in the scene, Yagi was currently on the ground trying to take a small break from fighting when Giganticus threw a metal bar towards him, Since he was turned away from Giganticus he didn't saw the metal bar that was flying towards him in an incredible fast pace but my Dad did so he ran up towards the Panthing man when Dad shouted "Reverse time 10 minutes!" making.....well reverse time 10 minutes before the bar was thrown, The time was now back 10 minutes allowing my Dad to warn Yagi about the Metal bar and stuff, The bar was atleast inches away from his back, good thing that Dad reversed time in the right moment. After the fight That lasted almost a day, Giganticus was now arrested and detained plus taking his quirk away by the American Hero Commission (A/N: Yes, in this AU The hero Commission has a device that can take away quirks and store them in a small container in a tungsten, quirk cancelling room that is virtually unbreakable and unaccessable to anybody) Yagi was thanking my Dad for almost a month and being good friends with eachother.

The said man was now 20 minutes late making me a little angry. The 5 are talking to one another, they are now wearing some casual clothes with the Army jacket. They all agreed to put the badges in their Jacket and Uniforms. I was about to call Yagi when he burst the door open making all of us jump in surprise.

"IM WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" He shouted carrying 2 luggages in his hands, the 5 squealed in excitement that they are now seeing the number 1 hero infront of them while I marched down towards him balling up my fist,

"General so glad to see you one mo-OW, OW, OW" I jumped up and grabbed his left ear and pinching the top of it, he pleaded as I thug it even more making him bend down and look at me. I activated dictator voice making my hair rise up and eyes glow,

"Why the fuck were you late?" I asked with a deep and scary voice making him shiver in fear, while the 5 just closed their eyes as they don't want to experience the same horrors that Yagi is experiencing right now.

"ImsorryIgotdistractedinthegiftshopnearhereandgotyouthis" He answered fast but shakingly as he pulled out a bobble head figurine of himself with the caption 'I am Here' in the base of it. I looked at it and grabbed the said figurine, he was smilling thinking that I forgave him but with his smile turn into fear when I crushed the figurine with my free arm.

"I dont Care, go to the plane NOW!" I shouted making the 5 run towards the plane, while I let go of Yagi as he run towards the plane also, as for me I deactivated Dictator and calmed myself down as I asked a worker there to clean up the now broken bobble head. I grabbed my luggage as I went to the parked plane.

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