Chapter 9 *SURPRISE CLASS 1-A*

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Izuku's P.O.V

Morning came in Japan as the Sunlights hit my eyelids. I cracked open my eyelids to be greeted by my Dad's old room, I was confused at first then remembered 'Oh yeah I'm at Japan" I slapped my face for not remembering what I'm doing here. I went to look at the time, it's about 6 am and Classes in U.A start at 8 so I better hurry up so that the whole class doesn't suspect a thing when I arrive.

I went down and just order Mcdonalds I was lazy to cook anyways, 15 minutes later my order arrived, I paid and started to eat which consist of pancakes, coffee, and a hashbrown. After that, I went to the bathroom and shower, and lastly, I grabbed my White Uniform, did a little bit of makeup (Concealer, powder, and eyeliner) all thanks to kacchan for teaching me. I grabbed my phone and some documents before going out.

I walked down to a large field and i summon up my Private helicopter and told the pilot to land at U.A,

he nodded and i got in after that we lifted off, about half an hour we landed infront of U

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he nodded and i got in after that we lifted off, about half an hour we landed infront of U.A attracting many people. As i got out i was greeted by the Commander of Squad Beta, so i greeted him back,

"Goodmorning to you to. Have all of the Personel in their areas now as i requested? and where is Squad Alpha?"

"Affermative General, all of Squad Beta are now  in their positions as you requested, as for Squad Alpha they are now in the outer perimiters of the 1-A Allience Dorms." He answered i nodded and proceeded to walk towards the U.A not before removing the  Helicopter that was blocking the Gates of the school.

As i walked down the halls towards the Principal Nezu's office i never realized that the halls of U.A are very quiet for its only 7 so another hour before class starts. I went in to Nezu's office, he greeted me and i greet back,

"Goodmorning General, I am again thanking you for protecting my school as for a thank you gift i went up brewed some tea, and made some tea sandwiches, care to join me? we could talk more about life rather than this whole fiasco happening" He said as he walked towards a small living space with 2 couches, a T.V and underneath is a fireplace, I followed him and i sat on the sofa as he grabbed a trolley full of sandwiches and a tea set.

"Thank you Principal, I appreciated it and it is my Duty to protect, anyways i would love to talk about anything, its getting really stressful this past few weeks i mean i only had about 2 hours of sleep everyday in Base in the past week this is only the first time i slept a full 8 hours and i feel very refreshed" I said as i grabbed the tea cup and drank it. We talked a little more to just about everything, and then 8 o clock stuck as we heard footsteps of students in the halls.

"Well it's a pleasure to talk to you again Principal. I want to talk again next time and my treat how about we go to my house next week?" I asked as i helped him carry the empty plates and teapot to a small kitchen.

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