Chapter 26 *FIRST IMPACT*

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Third-person P.O.V

As the night came in so does the wave of small-time villain's they were trashing the place, destroying properties, Robbing people and especially going ham in using their quirks. Pro Heroes in the are also trying their best to fight off the thugs. The city of Hosu is getting messy the residents living there were locking their selves in their houses trying to be safe.

In the L.O.V hideout, Shigaraki and the others are having their final meeting for their first attack here, at Musutafu. The plan was to set loose all these low-level thugs and criminals in the city of Hosu. This way the Pro-heroes will be distracted making the city here have less to None Pro-heroes to help, Thus making their plan to destroy U.A and taking down the Symbol of Piece once and for all. Shigaraki has All for One and with his Quirk, Decay He has an Advantage at the Fight.

"Alright Fuckers, It's showtime for those 'Heroes'" Said Shigaraki Everyone in the league knows about his new Quirk and everyone was convinced that they were gonna win Little did they know The hero commission got the Villains plans from Kuroguiri a few hours ago so the commission had the top 10 Heroes be placed in U.A while also making all Hero course students on Very High Alert since they were given permission to use their quirks by the Commission, Nezu and Aizawa to fight. Nezu ofcourse didn't forgot about their secret weapon for this fight. He kept all 10 in a quirk proof vault behind a giant picture of himself.

The students on the other hand were getting ready. They put on their costumes and stayed in the common rooms Support courses were also helping with this fight, With the help of Powerloader they created support gear for both the students to help with the fight and for them selves also so at least they can help.  

Izuku on the other hand was in his Army's apartment in the meeting room with each sectors of the Army. Squad Alpha, Beta, Charlie, and Delta. Izuku allowed them to use their quirks in the battle while also trying to save as much people as they can. and Since Izuku was near U.A he didn't have to rush in the campus when the L.O.V suddenly attacks. 

The whole city as put on lockdown and everyone was forced to stay inside at all cost. So the city was completely quiet and deserted. Doors locked, windows shut and barricaded. Not even homeless people where roaming in the streets. It was pure silence. The only people that were outside where the Top 10 Heroes who where circulating the city and being on their highest alert. 










Back in Hosu city many criminals are getting captured and getting sent to prison but some more aggressive ones are still fighting and causing trouble, Though the Pro heroes are trying their best to handle the situation that is until the whole floor started to shake.

"What's happening?" One of the heroes shouted.

In the distance in the near forest just outside of the city the ground has started to crack and fall underneath itself.

"In the forest!" Another Pro Hero with some sort of Motion detector quirk has spoken up. Half of these heroes were going to the said place while the other half stayed behind. Upon arriving at the forest the shake was getting violent as they got near the middle.

On the other hand,  the cause of this shake was All for One emerging from the ground, This is because their base where he was hidden along with his henchmen (the doctors) were located under the forest.

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