Chapter 7 *⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️*

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Izuku's P.O.V

We have landed back at the Airfield just a few minutes ago and we are now getting ready to go out. As we exited the Airfield we are greeted by a group that requested us to follow them,

"Where is General?" I asked,

"We are taking all of you to Him now Commander" He replied, I nodded as we proceeded to follow them,

There hasn't been any change in Base since the last time we were gone, to be fair we've been gone for only almost 3 weeks so nothing has really changed. As we arrive inside the Air feeled alittle different, its much denser and filled wity tenstion, It was much quieter than normal. Normally everyone was either training, Talking with one another and it was indeed noisy but today it's just....Different and im not used to it.

We walked a few minutes until we arrive at Dads office, We went in expecting Dad to run up to me and hug me and Crying that i was safe, 'I remember when i went to Morocco as my first mission when i was 10 years old, I was station there for 1 month and defeat some small time terrorist, when i came back Dad just tackled me and hugged me like he didn't see me forever' I smiled at the thought. The desk where Dad usually sits is now empty, I glance around and only saw his laptp half opened, 'I guess he was searching for something' The walk isn't over as we were guided pass the lounge area and towards the board meeting room. We are guided inside and Dad and some other officials are sitting, Dad gestured us to sit down and so we did dropping our duffle bag to our side as Dad sterted the meeting,

"Good that your all Back safe and sound, But lets get down to business" Dad said everyone including us nodded as Dad turned around now facing his back to us, He grabbed a small remote ad pressed something then a screen projector lowered as the room got darker, then the projector from the back of the room was now on and illuminated the blank screen.

Dad first showed a Picture of a box, from the postion of the box i suppose it is just outside of Base, Why didn't we saw that when we entered?

"Squad Alpha, I called you back here for a reason and it's because of that box.." Dad pointed to the Screen, We looked at him confused as he continued to talk "...This Parcel was delivered to us Just yesterday. Cadet Lapiz told me that when you tried to open it A Shockwave will emmitt from it leaving you paralyze." He said as he flicked to the next picture showing one soldier in the Ground completely lifeless, Our eyes Widen by what we saw,

"So what does it have to do with Us General, Especially Commander?" Asked Aron we nodded as we want to know also. Dad Flickered to the Next Picture showing us a Note and we read it quietly,

"This note was attached to the Parcel and if you read it by now, Both Jade and Me are only allowed to open the Parcel But It will not work if I only open it, it has to be the both of us" Dad said, we nodded before Dad continued to talk again,

"Had you tracked down who might have send the Parcel" Asked Tina, Dad nodded a No and sighed,

"Apperently No, We have already Searched the IVL and there was no record of anyone there name AFO" Dad replied, It was really strange that this villain is not on the IVL, they must be very powerful nor unsuspected by radar.

"Have you Talked to Cadet Aquamarine, I mean He is Undercover afterall in the League of Villains, He might have some information about this AFO guy?" I asked Dad,

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