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Izuku's P.O.V

I woke up at 4 in the morning with Kacchans Arms wrapped around my waist. I can see from his face that he's very much peaceful at his sleep so I gently got out from his grip by slowely lifting his arm and placing it down to my pillow acting as my bocy, At first he grumble in the sudden yet slow move but at the end he hugged the Pillow tightly not wanting to let go, I giggled softly then placed a quick kiss in his forehead.

I walked down the stairs only to be greeted by the 5 interns stretching and to I assume getting ready to jog, they saluted before they were off.

"What is this nagging feeling I have?. Its like its telling me I forgot something.....ehhhh maybe its just whatever" I said to myself quietly. I plopped down at one of the chairs in the dining hall scrolling to my Emails which were more about the daily reports of each U.A around the world and some for the subscriptions of some shit. I was watching some History video on youtube when the said 5 came back all sweaty and breathing heavily.

"Had a good run Cadets?" I asked before taking a sip of coffee I made not to long ago.

"Yes sir" Uraraka said saluting before they excused them selves to go wash up as I continue to watched the history video.

"Your up fucking early Nerd, so That's why the one I was hugging while I was asleep is soft. I thought I crushed you in your sleep" I heard Kacchan said making me giggle a little as he slid down in a chair next to me and laid his head in my shoulder.

"Kacchan today's the day you will be going to the training camp while I will go back to my house and Get back to protecting all of U.A" I said quite sad, He didn't ay anything but just breath in deeply before exhaling loudly.

"Alright you know I kinda miss you when you went back to america with does Fuckers and now again I will miss you" He said trying so hard not to sound sad but failed, so I just kissed his cheeks, he grabbed my hands making my phone fell to the floor. He placed his relatively soft and sweet smelled palms in my cheeks and moved my face towards his lips, so I just kissed his lips first it was passionate but then it turned heated as he licked my bottom lip, not my my as Kacchan, And without a second to spare he Lowered his hands down to my waist then ass, he squeezed my ass cheeks making me gasp, Kacchan took this oppoertunity to slid his tongue in my mouth so I just took this as defeat being the first time in my life to accept defeat especially to this kind of war.

"You really are weak in your ass Deku!" He said between the kiss, I rolled my eyes then tugged his hair making him break the kiss, with this I then released my grip from his hair thus lowering my hands down to his black tank top and tugged it lowering his torso. he was shocked to say the least. When he was at my eye level which is not that dramatic of a height difference. I then activated Dictator Voice 20% making my hair rise up and eyes glow green while releasing a Scary Aura.

"Are you sure about that kacchan~?" I asked in a two lower octive voice making him close his eyes and shiver down to his eyes. I deactivated the said voice and released him from the grip while I laughed. He was standing in the same position I released him not moving at all, I was laughing so hard I was holding my stomach from to much laughing and It hurts so much.

2 minutes of Laughing and Kacchan being scared, I got my shit together and playfuly pinched him in the elbow making him click his tongue and walked back to god knows where but he did exit the dorms so I assume he went for a jog aswell since its like 5 in the morning, So I also took my leave after finishing my coffee, washing it and putting it in the cupboards.

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