Chapter 27 *THE RISE AND FALL*

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Third Person P.O.V

Mayham, That is what was happening right now.

Two of the most powerful human beings are fighting over the city of Musutafu.

Izuku Midoriya The bearer of the Quirk Geodes that Gives it chosen user the power of 9 other quirks to fight over evil. Not to mention that one of the 9 quirks has All mights quirk, One for all making him Humanly unstoppable, A force to be reckon with.

On the other hand there was Tomura Shigaraki, Or also known as the new All for One since he has now the quirk making him also Unstoppable, Power, and a butt ton of quirks to use, he's a quirk power house.

Currently Izuku was using only one fourth of his newly found quirks since he still doesn't know how to handle it that much, He's not stupid to go off the limits and break his body. But also, This is also Shigaraki's Strategy per say, not using 100% of their powers.

Kicks were mostly Izuku's way off attack using One for all for the strength combining with Katuski's explosion, and Kirishima's hardening made his legs and feet not only made of hard and jagged rocks but also creating huge green explosions. He kept on switching from left leg to right leg. He did use his hands for some blocking attacks hardening it like kirishima.

On the other hand, Shigaraki was using All for one to enhance his strength drastically making it muscular. Punches upon Punches are thrown at the greenette. Blocking the attacks and fighting back again.

"The hero Society is broken don't you see it...HEROES ARE JUST A NUESANCE TO EVERYONE ESPECIALLY ALL MIGHT FUCKING ALL MIGHT!" Shouted Shigaraki as he used up more all of AFO's powers, stockpiling muscles making them bigger and glow, He then was about to punch the greenette, He then made my body rock hard with gagged edges using of Kirishima's quirk and when he made contact with his skin goddamn it was something its a relief that Kirishima's quirk is very useful in defense battles like this but that one REALLY hurts his arms.


"I know what your talking about, I also hated the heroes until now" I shouted or so tried too so that Shigaraki can hear me since both of us were both levitating and very far apart, My voice was also filled with Compassion as if I was talking to someone very close to me, Like a brother.

"You don't know shit what the hell I been through!" He shouted, clutching his already torn up clothes where his heart is located, His head was lowered and blocked by his white hair, I can already feel him breaking so atleast I have to try harder.

"Yes I know, We both experienced the same thing that lead us to hate not just All Might but the Heroes as well, Heroes that only want clout and money. Touya...I mean Dabi told me everything...Tenko Shimura" I said his name more quieter, He then looked up at me suddenly one of his eye covered with his hair but one was showing and looking directly at me. I couldn't decipher what his emotion was, Saddness?, Anger? But with the intense stare he was giving me he was also not saying anything as if he was waiting for me to continue talking. The quirks that I have activated in me one by one I deactivated it but only a little since I still want to be cautious around him.

" My mother was killed because of a villain attack, me being still new to having a quirk didn't know what to do, I cried and cried, bawling my eyes as my Mother lied in the living room floor in a pool of her own blood, I was anxiously waiting for someone, anyone to help me especially the heroes. You know...they never came, I was running away because that was what my mother told me to do before she was killed, I looked back at our house and still no sign of a hero, 'Why didn't the heroes save me, or my mother?' My love and admiration for Heroes fell until I hated them, to the point that I wanted to become a Villain, But I didn't. I know Tenko what happened to you and your family especially to your grandmother, Nana Shimura..."

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