Chapter 11 *MISSION HOSU*

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Izuku's P.O.V

After our First somewhat successful date with Kacchan i was now planning for the so called Slumber Party for 1-A. I am doing this 1) because they needed a day off, 2) To make them comfortable with all the sudden changes in U.A, and 3) To at least be close to them more.

I was now in my room waking up and going down towards the kitchen to brew myself a pot of coffee, I didn't bother on changing for i only wear sweatpants and remain shirtless, After brewing the coffee i poured it in a cup and started to sip in it as i went towards the Couch and took out my phone to at least read some news in twitter.

After drinking the coffee i went into my Bedroom which is also my office, After plopping my ass down on the swiveling chair i started to work like i usually do.

I first started to Print out all the Documents that are sent to me Via Email, and believe me there are hundreds of them. Mostly just signing them and stamping them with the U.S army logo. After about an hour of Document Shits i went in towards my Laptop and connected it to the Dual monitor Computer in my desk, and without a second i was bombarded by an email from Principal Nezu.

It was the Documents of the U.A students and their selected Agency for their interships. I studied each and everyone of them and getting information about the Agency they Picked. I started from the least interesting, the 4th years and down to the 1st years Then from Management Department, up to Heroics Department as i stumbled upon Class 1-A's Internships. I studied theirs very intently,

"Apparently Kacchan's going to Best Jeanist. Number 4 hero in Japan" I stated to myself as i continue to scan the Email some making me Giggle from who the students Picked especially Uraraka,

"Heh, she really picked Gunhead. Well she really does need to be more stronger interms of Combat, Her quirk is only good for some fights but she's weak interms of strength." I again mutter to myself as i continue down the document, I stumbled upon Iida's document and my eyes squinted out of curiosity,

"Why would Iida pick Manual in Hosu and not his Family Agency?, Weird" As i was done reading all i started to brainstorm what to do to protect class 1-A,

"Maybe add hidden camera's to them?" NO that wont work,

"Hack all the security camera's of each agency?" Nope to stalker like...What to do?

"or....follow each one of them secretly by one cadet?" That could work!,

I grabbed my phone and started to call nezu, he answered on the first ring,

N: Good morning General, Why did you call all of the sudden?

I: Good morning Principal Nezu, I want to make a propsal to you for protecting 1-A.

N: Im all ears General.

I: Villains still roam around parts of Japan and the Students safety is our primary concern and since the Internships are gonna happen today And all of class 1-A is going in seperate ways, we cannot protect them as a whole troop not like in the grounds of U.A. So my proposal is this. I would get one of each student a soldier from Squad beta, they will follow them and report everything in their surroundings to Squad alpha, they will be hidden to the students except the Pro heroes we will let them know about the plan.

There was a bit of silence, Maybe Nezu is thinking of the conciquences that may happen,

N: I believe that is an excellent Proposal General, I appreciated your time and effort on protecting the students.

General Jade (BL)Where stories live. Discover now