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-----------Time skip Brought to you by Izuku Having a sore back and ass------

Third Person P.O.V

It was now friday and The 5 pupils that were picked from class 1-A are now packing their stuff for a month long internship at America, Their passports and Visa's was delivered on wednesday at the same time, The whole class was practically jealous of the 5 for they will be trained at a military base, little did they know that they will never be the same weak students of Class 1-A. The 5 were in their dorms with their lovers helping them pack, the flight will be early 10 in the morning, currently it was 7, the other students were eating breakfast that Bakugou and Sato cooked,

"Eat up you fucking extras" Bakugou spat as he threw the plate with food at his classmates, Iida lectured Bakugou for being rude and using vulgar language while doing his signature robot arms.

"Hmmmmm...Wow Bakugou your cooking is amazing" Yaoyorozu complimented, everyone in the table also agreed, this boosted up Bakugou's ego, he started to talk about his father being an amazing chef at their household and telling them they should try his fathers cooking. As the class ate and converse as usuall the 5 picked students walked out of the Elevator with their lovers in one hand and their luggage on the other, they walk passed the dinning table and sat on the couch located in the common rooms,

"Hey you there, eat first breakfast before you go to the airport" Mina told the group, they nodded and stood up from the couch leaving their luggages in the common rooms. They sat down and waited for their food, when it came they ate and joined in the conversation that the class was having.

"You need to eat more, Japan and Washington are very far apart its a 12 hour flight at most even longer" Momo explained, the 5 nodded and are as much as they can. After washing their individual dishes and drying them completely they went to the common rooms and sat down the couch, Kirishima, Iida, Sato, Ojiro, Tsu, and even Bakugou are excused for the Half of the day so they can be with their Boyfriends/Girlfriends for the last time, and they will not gonna have any physical touch
with eachother in a whole month and Bakugou because...well its Izuku of course. As the rest of Class 1-A went to class the once that were left either cuddled with their lovers or saying their miss them while bakugou enjoyed a lovely chat with his Deku over the phone, As he was chatting with Izuku he told Bakugou that they should probably head out to the airport now,

"Oy fuckers, Deku's on the way to Tokyo Narita, We should fucking go now" They nodded they stood up and grabbed their belongings, The 11 students grabbed 3 taxis and drove to the Airport.

Once they got to the said place they spotted Izuku waiting for them in the front entrance, its a good thing that its not traffic in the freeway to the airport. As they got down and paid the Taxis, Bakugou pushed passed the other people that are entering the facility just to get to Izuku, once he was infront of his lover he tackled the greenette into a bone crushing hug and saying 'I love you's' and 'You're mine' While the freckelled boy just nodded to the ash blonds compliments.

"MIDORIYA!. YOU SHOULD NOT SHOW PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION IN HERE!" Iida shouted doing again his robotic arms, The greenette Giggled and plaved a small kiss on Katsuki's lips before breaking the hug.

Izuku's P.O.V

"seems like everyone is ready?" I looked at the 5 with their lovers holding their hands, They nodded as we proceeded to enter the Airport. The security guard checked the inside of our bags before we setteled down to a row of seats,

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