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Katsuki's P.O.V

-----24 hours Before the initial attack-----

Before this whole rescuing me and shit, Oboro (Kuroguiri) was stating his plan of me getting the hell out of this hell hole.

"So that's how I died..." Oboro told me, I was listening to his story not that I'm interested or something I just got nowhere to go.

"Oi fart face what's the plan now? you just loosen up the damn thing" I demanded, he glared at me looking a little pissed probably from the nickname that I gave him.

"I contacted the hero commission about this a while ago, they already informed U.A and possibly the General" he retorted, I gritted my teeth due to the fact that he thinks I'm weak and can't fucking fight hand job and his shitty

"If that's just the plan just fucking rescuing me, then I can fucking do it myself, I'll kill that crusty hand job and the other extra's. I don't need no hero, rescuing my ass" I semi shouted proving my point, he sighed before going back to his spot in the bar and started cleaning it.

"I don't want to be suspicious especially to the master who runs this league," he told casually not looking at me but rearranging the bottles of alcohol on a shelf at his back.

"Who's the fucking master anyway? I thought its crusty hand job" I asked.

"Tomura shigaraki is the one who guides the league but the master is called All for One, All might's number 1 enemy" he answered, my eyes grew wide as I recalled the name, he was the villain that All might fought 10 years ago, and I still remember Deku being obsessed with him defeating that shit stain when we were 4, and a day before he disappeared.

"What's does this extra want anyway with all might" I demanded, He placed the cloth he was using under the table, he sat down on one of the stools nearest to me.

"All for one has a quirk named after himself All for one, it allows him to steal quirks by touching people, he wants all might quirk since his quirk is powerful enough to take over the world." He created a small portal that was located in the alcohol wall, he grabbed one poured it in a shot glass that he also grabbed. He somehow drank the drink. While I tried to comprehend some scenarios on what will happen.

"So what's this fucking plan anyways so I can at least fucking know"

"So all for one is located a mile away from here in an abandoned warehouse, he wants you to be there when everything goes wrong, if he doesn't force you to be a villain or join them, he'll take your quirk. after the attack ill warp you towards there, but ill tell whoever fights me to come for you, there a high possibility that your boyfriend will rescue you, All for one uses a monitor on a basement if he wants to communicate with the league"

"Wait, wait...if he communicates with you'll with a fucking monitor so there some microphones in here" I interrupted and concluded it.

"He usually closes the microphone when no one is talking with him, plus it's in the basement.....You should sleep, don't worry ill be here, ill wake you up when tomura gets back" He suggested.

"Two it's fucking weird that your watching me sleep, and two don't you fucking sleep?" I asked/demanded.

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