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Izuku's P.O.V

The alarm was heard through out the second floor at the same time. Currently, it's 4 in the morning so its morning protocol for them. I stood up rapidly from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. Once I was done I put on a towel around my waist as I walked towards my dresser as I put on deodorant and skincare. I grabbed my uniform from the closet, after changing I went down to the Dining room to cook them their final Food before eating MRE or Meal, Ready-to-eat, and believe me that taste like Satan's ass, Dry, Bland, and borderline Decayed ingredients.

I cooked them some pancakes with Blueberry and Whipped cream, scrambled eggs, and Coffee as their drinks as i place them Everyone was now awake and suprisingly they have energy for this early. Normally they still have bed hair, Half open eyelids and Dry drool in the corner of their mouths but today they seem ready and Motivated. Im impressed!

"Wow you all look energized for today" I said, They all nodded as they sat down and ate their breakfast, I did the same as occational chattering was made.

After eating I asked them to form a line where i will be lecturing them and giving out their schedules.

"Ok so today marks your official start of your internship here at The U.S Army. i will personaly train you to be the perfect Hero that the world needs" I said strictly, I looked them they are slouching so i summon up a Riding Whip I then placed it on the chin and lifting it while I used my other body to straighten their bodies out.

"First of all A soldier doesn't slouch, It shows that you are not ready to face danger which is not a hero should be doing." As i said it the other 4 properly postured them selves. I then moved infront of them to continue my lecture.

"That's better. Anyways I will be giving you now your Schedule for the day" I handed each one of them a folder inside them are the schedules. They opened it as i explained to them one by one.

4:00-5:00: Wake up "This includes making your bed, Taking your bath, and properly wearing your uniform that i will be giving you later"

5:00-5:30: Morning Protocol "You will not be staying here only during saturdays for your online class. You will all be living together in The Baraccks just like the other Cadets. The Morning Protocol will always be happening in the Grounds"

5:30-6:00: Breakfast " Eat, basic as that"

6:00-12:00: Quirk Enhance Training "The name says it all. We will train your quirk until you can use it at 100% without Drawbacks"

12:00-12:30: Break

12:30-16:00: Stamina and Body Training "You need your body to be on perfect shape so that you can handle your more powerful quirks"

16:30-20:00: Combat/Hand to Hand Training: "Once again like i said back at Japan, This is only if your only choice is to use hand to hand or Firearms during battle"

20:00-21:00: Rest/Dinner/ Sleep

Saturdays: 8:00-15:00: Online Classes

"So Remember that in your head, And if one of you are late, I won't hesitate to make all of you do 100 pushups and 200 sit ups in the middle of the sun, Understood?" I said, No answer, I then activated Dictator Voice that i forgot that I have.

"I Said DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" I shouted as my eyes glow green and hair raise up like Aizawa. The 5's posture soon stiffen more, shoulders not drooping , and not hunching as they saluted in a perfect 45 degree angle as they both shouted 'Sir, Yes Sir' I thher Returned the salute as their Trance broke making them look at eachother with confused faces.

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