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A/N: I will skip all the unnecessary things but for all of you that is wondering, Yes the Adoption papers are now done in just under 7 months, and Now Izuku is the legal son of Howker, and apparently wanted Izuku changed his last name to Howker. NOW his name is IZUKU HOWKER-MIDORIYA

-----------------Izuku's P.O.V---------------

"Come on soldier, we're gonna be late for our flight" General How- I mean 'dad' called me downstairs. I was up in my room still reading while I'm still packing some leftover clothes.

"Coming Gene-I mean..Coming Dad" I shouted at him as a response, It was weird to call him dad, I never really called someone dad before but i feel comfort when i say it.

I finished packing everything that Dad bought me from the past 6 months that i have been here. I still held my book while i dragged along my luggages down stairs we're dad was. He was standing infront of the main door waiting for me, I didn't see him for my head was still lowered. I accidentally bumped him and it took me by suprise, i fell to the floor in my butt, He laugh and i laugh while getting up.

"You sure are a book worm yah know" He told me while he ruffled my hair, I kinda hate it when he does it i mean my hair is really untamed and dad ruffling it made it more wild, So i pouted at him while i turned to my heal.

"hmph.....You know i hate when you do that to me, im a big boy now" I said with fake anger to make it sound believable, all in all they we're fake and that made my dad chuckled again.

"alright, alright, I wont do that again...Anyways lets get going, our is waiting us infront and we dont want to be late for our flight" He told me then lifted me so he can carry me with me in his shoulders while he dragged along my luggage, We went outside and indeed there is a black car infront waiting for us. The door of the car opened and we are greeted by Nicolas.

Nicolas is actually a soldier and was tasked to work for my dad while he is in vacation here, so in short he was like a maid, and in the 7 months that i have been here i got to interact with him and know him. He is apparently 20 years old and was like a brother to me we spend everyday just playing around, talking and practicing our quirks at Dad's backyard. His quirk kinda reminds me of Kacchans for they are almost identical, his i think was called Bombs....

*Present Mics Voice*

Nicolas Monsoon

Quirk: Bombs

He can create any type of physical bombs with his hands from small flashbombs, Tnt, to Nuclear bombs.

Drawbacks: If creating a larger bomb like nukes, his anger rises (Just like bakugou😜) and does some irrational things. as for smaller bombs like grenedes he can only go up to 100, any more of that can make him angr.

Sideeffects: His temper rises and does stupid things.

Back to Izuku.....

As we arrived at the car Nicolas stood up and saluted to Dad, he retured the salute and Nicolas grabbed all our luggage while dad lowered me to the pavement, he opened the backdoor to let me in and soon dad went infront and sat on the right side while Nicolas was the last one to came inside and sat at the drivers seat, we buckled our seat belts and we soon started to roll out of the house.

I was looking ouside and just think about what happened to the last 7 months...

'Mom died'
'I left kacchan and left without a word'
'I got a new dad'
'he treated me like his own son'
'I got to meet Nicolas, who is a good friend'
'I am now going to America, to be trained'
'I am now leaving Japan, and i don't know when i will be back'

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