Chapter 10 *DATE AT MY HOUSE*

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Katsuki's P.O.V

I was in the edge of my seat ready to get out of this damn Classroom and by instinct, the bell Rings indicating the end of the Final Period. As the extras are packing up or starting to get up from their desk I Burst out of the door almost breaking it. I can hear Four eyes yelling shit to me again, and the 4 other military extras telling me where I'm going, As I ran down the Halls all I can think was 'What is that damn Nerd planning' A slight blush creep into my face as I reached the dorms, it was still early and deku said that to wait at the gates at 3 and it was still 2:30,

"So I got 30 minutes left, I should Call deku to know what to wear, I may go their to Formal or to Casual as Fuck" I said to myself as i unlocked the door of my dorm. As i walked towards my bed putting my Bag to my table i Dialed the Nerds number and waited for him to answer. Without a moment to spare He immediatly answered it,


I: Kacchan!!! what a suprise i was just going to call you too!

K: What you miss me already Nerd?

I: Maaaayyyyybbbbeeee... anyways what are you calling By the way im getting the house....*Yawns*.....Ready for your arrival.

K: You tired?

I: Just a small bit. After I got home i was bombarded with calls from the 5 other U.A schools, and did some signing of Documents and other stuff, But im fine now don't you worry.

K: You must fucking rest or drink some Medicine you Dumb Nerd, You may be a General but your still human so Take things Easy. Moving that fuckey aside i called you because i was going to ask what should i wear, I mean is this a Date or What?

I: Ok...Mom, I will drink some Pain killers. Other than That If your calling that way then Yes its a Date, and wear something your comfortable, we are not going to some fancy restaurant anyways thats for later Dates, Today we're just gonna hangout, Mostly watch Netflix, Eat something and Maybe cuddle or more.

K: Heh...Horny for me now Deku?

I: Maybe.....Maybe not.....Anyhow....It's almost 3 im gonna send there my Private Helicopter just tell them that your Katsuki and Their gonna bring them you here, OK?

K: Yeah, Yeah nerd so are there anymore ways to make my grand entrance there i mean A fucking Helicopter is way to much, whats next escorts.

I: Why would you want that, I could summ-

K: No Deku i was exaggerating, For a Geeral your Fucking Stupid.

I: Ok, Ok, anyways Get ready its almost 3, Bye love yah,

K: K...Love yah too

I ended the call with a flustered Face 'He said I love you, Fucking Cute' I said to myself as i started to unbutton my uniform and stripped naked and went to the bathroom, I showered, put some deodorant, did a little makeup and Got dress to my black tanktop a jacket and ripped jeans with some low cut converse. I went out of the dorms and went down to the common rooms which was now filled with the extras just sitting on the living room or eating some shit at the Kitchen,

"Yo! bakubro going to Midobro's house now"  Shitty hair asked, I didn't look at him I just looked down on my phone and just texted with Deku so i just nodded as my answer,

"Come to think of it how are you going to Midoriya's, I mean his house must be hidden away to somepart of the city, He is a very high official and can be an easy target for Villains or Terrorist" The rich bitch asked,

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