Chapter 29 *ELUCIDATION*

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"So, what happened, what caused me to be in a coma, I forgot" Izuku asked his Lover. Katsuki was quietly looking at him while his head was on the greenette's lap while the said boy was patting the ash blonde's hair.


-----Flash Back Two years ago brought to you by The Book almost coming to an end-----

In the rainy evening at down town Musutafu was Izuku driving his car and as if trying to get away from something.....or someone...He can't help but ball out his eyes over the fact 

You see Izuku here was trying to run away from the problem. A problem so huge to him that he almost wanted to have legal documents to be involve But that won't do it, Since his supposed Husband finished Law school with flying colors and is a well known Lawyer to the point that he's being hired by different Large multi national corporations. What exactly happened you say? Well what will you do if you ever saw the love of your life having sex in front of you? Well, That's exactly what happened.





20 minutes Ago

Izuku was walking up to their pent house apartment, He was completely exhausted from training newbie soldiers all day, Izuku here is the General of the JAPANESE army and had been so for only 2 years. The work was brutal and tiring but worth it since this is what his Mother wanted him to be. Upon arrival at his door he can hear some faint moaning from the other side and for sure it wasn't from Katsuki's voice but rather it was high pitched still from a man but not from HIS man. he suddenly kicked the door open destroying the locks and even the door frame and what he saw was heart shattering to the point he wanted to just shoot himself rather than see what was in front of him. Katsuki on his boxers topping some black haired twink. He had hickey's plastered all over his small body while the ash blonde has Scratch marks in his back both looked in horror seeing that the legal husband was back. They immediately went to dress their selfs, Izuku was holding back tears but still his heart was shattered to bits. The twink then runs away passing by Izuku until he reached the door and sprinted for his life and that left both males looking at eachother.

"Baby, I..." Katsuki started to talk and walked towards the Greenette who stood still in shock with his head lowered. When Katsuki reached out his hands to touch his 'husbands' face it got slapped away.

"Don't...I don't want to hear anymore fucking excuses, But answer me this...." Izuku started to talk in a low voice but still head hung low that is until he met with Katsuki's red eyes. Izuku was in the verge of crying but still gave the ash blonde a look that he will never forget, a look that shook his entire scratched up body.

"...Did you ever love me?" Izuku continued,

"Of course I do, That's why I married you, That's why I..." Katsuki started to explain to him only to be once again cut of by Izuku.

"Then why did you have that twink in MY house, Am i not good enough for you?"


"THEN WHY?!....



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