Chapter 2 *HELLO GENERAL *

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Izuku's P.O.V

Mommy, Me, Kacchan and Aunty Mitsuki were walking back from the large field just at the outskirts of Musutafu, That is where me and Kacchan Practice our quirk, and Mommy and Aunty Mitsuki chatter and gossip quietly, I was getting better at summoning while Kacchan is now getting the hang in his Explosion.Mommy and Aunty Mitsuki are chatting about how me and Kaccham can enroll U.A when we are done at Junior High, while both of us talked about All Might all the way back.

-------------------------------A few hours ago--------------------------------

"Mommy look!, Look at what i summon!" I told my mommy eagerly as she was looking down and reading a Novel, Once she looked up from her book, her eyes grew wide,

She practically threw the novel that she was reading and clech her dress on where is heart is, while practically scared and suprised.

The whole Field was filled with soldiers. In front of all stood me as proud as possible, I looked directly at mommy's wide eyes and i just giggled

"Don't worry mommy! their not gonna hurt You remember, they will only follow what i will command them" I told Mommy as i walk infront of her, along side with all the army that marched at my back in unison, I looked at Mommy's eyes it went from fear to calm instatly,

"Izuku!!!!" I heard a familiar scream and i instatly now who it was.

Kacchan was running toward me while Aunty Mitsuki trailed back while holding a basket that may or may not be filled with food. When both arrive near me the whole Army instantly stood front and pointed all of their Guns to both of the Bakugou's which immedietly scared both of them including Mommy,

"LOWER YOUR GUNS!" I shouted while i raise my right hand and did a lowering guesture, Mommy, Aunty Mitsuki, and Kacchan hugging together tightly all frightened oviously

"SIR, YES SIR!" All shouted in unison while lowering their guns down next to them, Both Mommy and Aunty Mitsuki sighed in releif while kacchan contiued to walk infront of me, He then told me that it was cool to see a real life Army then i started to mutter the facts of what Army i summoned...

'The Army that i summoned was the Japanese Imperial Army was the Ground-based force of the Empire of Japan from 1868 to 1945, most specifically the Army that i summoned was from world war II of 1941, From what i remember it was a total of 1,700,000 troops but i minimized the troop count to only 2% so that means....'

while i mutter the calculation of 1,700,000 minus 98% and my hands doing some gestures

'...ibasically summoned roughly about 34000 troops.....'i was suddely cut of when kacchan hit the top of my head, and both Mommy and Aunty Mitsuki Giggle.

"Owww...Kacchan why did you hit me that hurts" i told him while i rubbed my head on the place where he hit me.

"You were muttering again, its was getting irritating, and also....ugghhh.....ummm....I-Izuku...c-could y-you" Kacchan stuttered at the last words, it was the first time i heard kacchan stutter and i was confused, so i tilted my head then he pointed to my back....

"Ohhhh yeah sorry bout that i forgot" So he was pointing at the Army that was still there and apparently glaring daggers at kacchan, 'So....he was scared, its also the first time i see kacchan scared' I thought to my self. I also thought of getting the army to disappear and so it did, the field was now empty and only the breaze and the rustling of the leaves were ever heard and it was peacful "Kachhan we need to practice more for our quirks to enhance, so both of us can be the best heroes" I said to him with determination, he then nodded his head and run towards now the empty field

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