Chapter 28 *HOSPITAL BED*

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Izuku's P.O.V

Have you ever felt yourself drowning in a pit of darkness?, A void of complete emptyness, Maybe for Introverts and Social Outcast this situation might be their dream or wish to experience but for Me, I feel very lonely...nothing but the voices in my head as my companion. I don't know how long I have been here but I just feels like Yesterday that I got here, Maybe in the other side It could have been a few minutes or even as long as decades. They say that when you die you find paradise, you find peace and harmony, you find God....But where are them, Where is this paradise they speak of, I don't fucking see anything, I don't feel the peace and harmony they say, I feel trapped and slowly turning Psycho, and as for God....where is he then?.

Could it be that I'm in Purgatory?

Or this is what Death Really is.

Not to long after I spotted a small white light in the distance, This was the first ever thing that has been here since I got here so I ran as this could mean a sign of hope or even an answer as to why i'm even here but the longer I run after it, it seems to be moving away from me. I can't keep this up, running up to something that I can't even reach, It exhausting and difficult...But this maybe the last opportunity I have to at least let me know what my purpose here is so I just run after it more not minding my feet being sore and tired.

If I could just touch it and maybe I can catch it...










"AHHHHHHHH!!!" My whole body shot up from a lying position, i was breathing fairly heavily as I clutch my chest from the sudden pain that my body gave me from the movement. My eyes where still adjusting from the blinding light surrounding me....Am I now really Dead?....But It as my eyes adjust the light adjusted until I can make out a plain, white ass room only the sound I can hear are the sound of beeping of a heart rate monitor and ventilator which reminds me, I still have on the mask thing in my mouth.

"Where am I?" Well that was a stupid question that came out of my mouth. In my mind I know that where in a hospital for sure but my mouth kinda said it on it's own, weird? I looked around more in the room only to spot a bunch of flower on my side, How come I didn't see them, there were a ton of them like I was in someone's funeral or I have a flower shop, I smiled to myself thinking that some people still took their time off just to visit me and leave flowers...But how long was I out, I mean the flowers beside look still much alive so it must be recent that someone was here but there were also a load of dead ones at the back so meaning I was out for a long time.

Half an hour passed and I was getting bored, I didn't want to call for someone since my throat still hurts from talking so I took in upon myself to think of what happened,

So, Shigaraki and I fought and.....That was it, I only recalled our conversation which was to end it all and so I did using up all of the quirks that I have.....THE QUIRKS?. I frantically looked from the Necklace that contain all the quirks but it was gone, Either it got destroyed during the battle or someone took it, though they might be gone at least I have my quir...Huh?

I was about to activate my quirk and just create a small revolver but nothing is happening, so i tried to create a flash bomb...still nothing, summon at least one army men but still none, I frantically snapped my fingers to just create something out of thin air...

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