The Fated Beginning | 1 |

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AN : If you want to listen to the playlist I listen to when I write this, just go on Spotify and search the story name and it should pop up.

Sorry for any spelling errors in advance, please consider voting and enjoy!

~ Georges pov ~

Without even opening my eyes, I could sense the sun was shining through my bedroom window and before I could even open my eyes, I was pulled closer to the warm body laying next to mine ; engulfed in their arms and peppered with kisses that made me giggle. Definitely my favorite way of waking up in the morning by far. I eagerly wrapped my arms around him too, wanting this moment to last as long as it could, although we both knew we had to get up eventually.

For the past month we both have done nothing but work our asses off for our land, me the King of L'manberg and him, well being chosen by the gods to be our lands overseer. Our roles, even as grateful as we were for them, were very time consuming and tiring. We barely had time for each other anymore because of all the preparations we were doing for the new construction happening soon to expand our land. Which of course meant keeping our eyes open for anyone against that, people like Technoblade.

We had only this weekend off and we both planned on spending it wisely, never leaving each other's sides. If Eret, my right hand man needed me for King business, he was told he would have to temporarily take over and handle it. If any of our friends wanted to hang or needed to be bailed out of trouble, they'd have to occupy and save themselves. And lastly, if Tommy, Fundy or even Technoblade himself were saw causing trouble, Sapnap, Bad and Punz were told to take care of them.

I smiled into his chest, we had really thought of everything, this weekend was going to be great ; or so I thought.

Before I could even register what was happening, we both instantly shot up in bed at the sound of a loud mob outside my-our perfect cute cottage core house. It was supposed to be our safe place, no one but Sapnap and Karl knew where it was, let alone that it was ours. So why the hell was there so many people outside? Had they found this place assuming it was Technoblade's secret base? Or worse, had something bad actually happened, so bad that they needed to go somewhere unknown to most?

Both of us got up and made ourselves decent before hesitantly walking to our front door and opening it, temporarily being blinded by the bright sun . I was shocked to see a mad looking Sam, Bad, and Hannah at the front of the mob. The rest behind them were all yelling and holding...weapons? Were those supposed to be for us or? I was beyond confused and scared now, unsure of what was going on, which was probably why I was pulled into my lovers protective embrace ; practically shielded from the mad swarm of people.

It was sweet, but I wasn't defenseless, nor did I want to be viewed as such by whatever we were about to face, so I slowly unwrapped his arms and retreated to my previous position. Standing up straight, looking right at all of them, I had to remind myself that it was okay to be scared but I wouldn't let them see it. I was King, and I would be respected and viewed as such, not a damsel in distress.

" What the hell is going on here, did something happen? "I asked sounding more confident than I really was.

" Don't play dumb George, you know exactly what happened " Sam said sounding disappointed.

" Play dumb? What are you trying to imply we know? " chimed in Dream while defensively again wrapping an arm around my waist, but this time not to hide me, but to support me.

" Last night you-Dream were seen leaving the scene of a crime ; theft and arson. You stole Bad's most prized possessions and on top of that set his house of fire which ended blowing up. So excuse me of I'm not being direct enough for you " Sam said stepping slightly forward.

" Are you serious? What's makes you think I actually did that, I was here all night with George, why would I ruin our supposed to be perfect break like you are now? Why don't you go see Tommy, isn't stealing and setting things on fire his thing? Because it sure as hell isn't mine " Dream huffed annoyed.

" We have eye witnesses, you can deny this all of you want but there's proof so you're going to have to come with me- to the prison until your court appeal and are proven otherwise innocent "

" Wait you're seriously just going to take him, you didn't even listen to his explanation, he hasn't done anything ! Sam, you know him-us, would he ever do something like that after everything? " I pleaded as I clung onto Dream more, scared they'd actually take him.

Sam closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked pained, but only for a moment, just a moment before he composed himself with a sigh . He looked at us with pleading eyes but you could tell he was 100% serious .

" I'm sorry your Royal Highness , but under the authority of me Sam, the one put in charged of handling criminals according to the gods, I will be taking Dream to prison. So please don't make this more difficult than it has to be and just let me do my job " He said before stepping forward once again.

Before I could even react to his words or began to protest again, Dream turned me to face him and pulled me into a soft loving kiss as we wrapped our arms around each other.

" I love your Georgie, it's going to be okay " He said softly before getting pulled out of my arms.

I ran to grab him, but before I could reach him two people who I hadn't even realized were close as they were held onto me, refusing to let me go after him. No, no, no! I watched as Dream was being dragged away, tears in both of ours eyes, but he didn't fight, not like I was. I tried as hard as I could to get out of their grasps, I yelled, I kicked, tried to even bite them but it was no use. Eventually they let me drop to the ground, still holding onto me as we watched the mob go, and as I continued to cry.

" P-please let me go, I need him, Dream! " I screamed so loud my throat became sore.

I knew that because of Dreams past that this wasn't going to be just a little thing, that's why I was freaking out so much. Most of everyone in that mob wouldn't even care if there was solid proof that he was innocent, they just wanted him to pay the cost for their broken hearts. They held onto bitterness, things that should've been let go a long time ago, but of course they wouldn't when they needed someone to blame, someone so easy but so wrong to. This was bad, really bad and I couldn't do anything about it.

Somehow, without even realizing, I had passed out due to stress. When I suddenly woke up hours later in my empty bed with the sun barely shinning, I frantically looked around trying to find Dream, but he wasn't there. I had hoped it was just a terrible nightmare, but It was real, he was really gone. Tears quickly flooded my eyes and I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them as I sobbed. How could things go to hell just as they were supposed to be getting so good?

| AN | I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my new story! I was heavily influenced by George's latest stream with Dreamxd to write this, so keep that in mind. Also I want to note that this story will be mostly angst and topics surrounding it as you can tell from this chapter , but I will put TW's before anything that needs it. Don't be afraid to give any feedback and I hope you enjoy the rest!

Edit : guys I know the first chapter is kinda ( more like a lot) cringe , but bare with me please, it gets better I promise! :D also if you got this far pls check out my new story !

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