Nostalgia Kills | 13 |

717 41 39

AN : just a heads up this chapter is a little longer than usual. :)

Please excuse any spelling errors, consider voting, don't be shy to comment and I hope you enjoy!

~ George's POV ~

I never intended for Ranboo to get caught up in my own defiance towards the Dreamon, but I guess since being evil is it's thing that threatening him to get me to listen should've been expected. I just wanted the Dreamon to know that I wasn't naive, stupid or a push over despite how much it seems like I am considering my current moves.

But I wasn't going to just listen to him blindly because I ' love ' him. He wanted me to prove that be could trust me by turning my back on my Kingdom and burning the house that me and Dream had worked so hard on. They said if I really was loyal that I would help destroy it. Truly delusional.

I had dealt with almost all of his bullshit the entire time I've been forced to stay here, I just couldn't go along with everything anymore. The people I loved lived there, children, elderly, my legacy, history ; no way would I just throw that all away just to prove my loyalty.

I could do something else, right? He had to understand that I'm human and was incapable of such things, the gods trusted me with this title and I wasn't going to fail at it so easily. I wouldn't let down the people who relied on me, even if they didn't know they did.

Now getting Ranboo to leave was easier than I thought it would be, but I had over heard the Dreamons plans for him and I wasn't just going to sit around and let him hurt that kid, not again. I really should've just made him leave when Sapnap and the rest showed up. But yes, Dream had told me that he felt almost the worst for Ranboo, why, well he wouldn't tell me that.

Dream had done so many wrong because of that damn Dreamon, hurt and screwed them all up in different ways . And of course that includes me as well. Though I suppose I'm still getting getting hurt by them both right now, as well as Ranboo. So many secrets, things that need to be told before we can truly defeat this monster.

It's been about five minutes since I made Ranboo leave and so far the Dreamon come back down, but I know as soon as he does I'll get it ; his wrath. He hadn't taken it well this morning when I refused to tell him my Kingdoms secrets and it was even worse when I didn't tell him where mine and Dreams home was located.

But no way in hell would I spill those secrets and just let him destroy something that I hold so dear. That house is far more than just a place to stay for me, it's special. It took me and Dream forever to build it, it's where we retreat to get away from all of the stress our jobs give us. It was... It was where he proposed.

I know it's part of my plan to get him to trust me, but this is only getting so much harder the longer it goes on. If I'm being honest I'm not totally sure if I can continue this, if so I'm going to have to really push myself. What's even worse is that the longer I stay here the more I'm getting used to it...used to him. It's like now we have this odd connection, either by hatred or loneliness, but it's scaring me.

" it's time to get back to work " said the Dreamon as he walked down the stairs and towards me. Could he sense my fear? Hadn't he noticed a certain persons absence?

" O-okay" I said as I got up quickly despite being sore from his abuse earlier.

" Are you okay? " he asked.

Oh now he cares? What a hypocrite.

" I will be no tha-" before I could continue and make things even worse than they already were I stopped myself and took a deep breath. I need to convince him.

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