The First Night | 3 |

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AN : Just to clear some things up, in this story, Dreamxd and the Dreamon are the same person/entity. The whole Dreamon thing in the actual lore is something I don't fully understand so I'm just making this part up for myself. And Dreamxd's pronouns are he/they/it . Anyways, enjoy!

~ Georges pov ~

You might think that I'd be relived to have figured it out, that it really wasn't Dream, but no. If I was right, which I knew I was, then I'd rather it really had been him who had done all of those things. I thought it was over, we were free, that Dream was safe. Of course we were stupid to think that, believe , hope it. He said it himself those years ago when I was freshly made King, the day Dream begged us to kill him, when Karl managed to free him of that damn Dreamon, that he'd be back for revenge. Had I really been paying attention , we probably would've been prepared for this, but no, I was too wrapped around the fact that we saved Dream. I was such a fool.

After my realization, Karl's spell quickly stopped working as he lost his focus and we couldn't hear them anymore. I was partly glad but even more worried that we'd miss something important because of it. Did Dream figure out what was going on yet or did he still think one of our Lands people were framing him? I needed to figure out as soon as possible, he needs to know, gods Sam needs to know so he can be let out and we can start working on a plan. But what if Sam thinks we're lying, what if he thinks it's just part of some plan to get him out? I couldn't help but to start internally freak out...

" Who's back? " Asked Sapnap completely oblivious.

" Are you sure? " Karl asked me ignoring what his boyfriend just asked.

" I-it has to be him... " I stuttered out, eyes still wide and breath still short.

" Who the hell are we talking about? What am I missing? " Sapnap complained looking back and forth between me and Karl.

I wasn't looking them in the eyes anymore, I just couldn't. Part of me felt guilty- responsible for what was happening, it was my fault for not paying attention that day. But then a thought hit me making me forget about my guilt, if it was back for revenge would it go after Dream when no one was looking? Dream was locked up in that prison with no other cell mates, Sam didn't stay there 24/7 and there were no guards ; he was alone and vulnerable. Right where it wanted him .

" The Dreamon Sapnap, that's who-what gods , I don't know anymore" Answered Karl obviously tired and confused as he ran a hand threw his hair.

" That damn thing again, I thought you got rid of it for good? "

" I told you I could get it out of him not that I could destroy it. I have no clue what happened to it when I expelled it, just that it wasn't in our dimension anymore "

" What the hell does that even mean?"

" What do you think it means? The underworld duh , that or it somehow managed to get into the gods realm which is extremely unlikely considering that thing didn't seem like a god at all "

" So you knew it could've came back anytime it wanted? "

" I didn't think it'd want to after it obviously wasn't wanted here, but quit acting like I'm all powerful, I only have what the gods gave me not super powers "

" But that's exactly what they gave you! "

" How many times do I have to explain-"

I couldn't stand their bickering anymore, everything was just too much and adding to my already painful headache. I groaned as I got up and went to my small kitchen to refill my cup with tea. They stopped talking and watched me, waiting for me to speak, but I didn't until I was back in my seat and had taken some sips. I knew I could trust them, that they'd have mine and Dreams backs, but some part of me somehow still doubted them.

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