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Dying. That's what this feels like. I'm getting glimpses of what's supposed to be my life thrown at me and then I'm dormant inside my own mind. It's like watching a sad movie at the theater except I'm stuck in the screen and can't get out. Everyone else gets to watch me but it's only what they see, not who I truly am. Sometimes I feel my body too, like when my other half touches water I feel the burn, I'm starting to like that burn. It reminds me of the times when Tubbo would help me wrap my wounds after a rainy day.

Tubbo... man I miss him, he's what I have to think about so I know I didn't fight in vain. Sometimes I still wonder if I made the right decision for him, sending him away, but I guess I'd rather have him hate me then be dead. If I ever make it out of this I'll make sure he knows just how sorry I am for that, if. I mean I've tried to take back over my body but it never works, everytime I do I just think of all of the pain my other half was going through when he was in my exact position.

I used to think it was a monster, that I could never understand but now I do. It's lonely, I have no one to talk to but them and any way they barely ever respond and I have no clue what's going on outside of my dark mind. I've asked my other half but of course they love keeping me in the dark 🙄. I'm hoping that whatever chaos that's going on here now or later, Tubbo never gets pulled in, its why I sent him away in the first place.

I just wish my other half would talk me, it would be less scary in here if I knew that everyone was okay. I sometimes wonder if Tubbo came back or if Punz did his job and no one knows where they are at all. We can't trust anyone right now, we just can't risk it- him. He's all I have left , my will . My...

Other times I wonder if George did it, the plan. I know he's strong but I also know the Dreamon can mess anyone up in the head, trust me. But to think of what he'd do to George...gods. Speaking of God's, what the hell have they been doing for us? They force the people on earth these roles but let a demon loose to wreck havoc on them for what? What was the reason? Hehe

I may not be on the best terms with Dream but I know he did not deserve the hell he went through. Those gods wanna play with us all and I'm tired of it. They need to fix whatever problem is going on up or down - wherever because I'm done with it. Man it makes me feel sorry for Karl, he serves the damn fools.

I guess now we're the fools for trusting them to do their job , we really can't trust anyone but ourselves now but I'd rather put my life in the hands of someone whom I trust and love them gods who can never live up to their names .

New pov

A fool , that's kind of what I feel like right now . I swore I wouldn't fall in love with the beast but now I feel like I can't breathe if he's in danger . I feel like I've been in love with him my whole life but I know it's only been months . I cant fight it , I need to embrace it to go through with the plan but even then everytime I do something to go on with it I freeze and become mad at myself . He made me his foolish doll and now I can't stop it .

Dreams pov

I have no evidence but I just know todays the day when I finally see him again, I can feel that he's close. But out of all days it had to be on the stupid festival. It's all planned out, everything we can do to get him back and banish the damn demon. Karl's been working on his plan for months and he finally found a break through with his magic and we went over everything. We're going to win, we have to.

Sapnap and Eret have the knights ready, Karl has his powers on high alert and I'm ready to kick that demons sorry ass an take back George. The only problem is that we have two people who are uncontrollable an could cause problems. Ranboo and Skeppy have been meeting up alot lately and knowing that Skeppy is taking advantage of Ranboos comatose is pissing me off. The guy has no clue what his other half is doing, but it's contributing to war.

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