Hesitance | 11 |

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~ Georges POV ~

Not soon after that conversation we had to force them to leave, though Tubbo practically fought with everything in him to stay, leaving in tears as Sapnap carried him. Karl had slipped me some potions, a sleeping one for Ranboo ( which I was supposed to use on him secretly) and a strength potion for me, for the day I finally do decide to leave.

I've thought about it, multiple times, and in every scenario, when I leave I won't be able to take Ranboo with me. And as much as I hate that, it's the truth, but once I can, I will come back for him. And I don't know how, but even if I have to travel to distant lands, I will find out how to help him.
Lucky for me since I'm king, I have many different connections that might be able to help him, I'm just hoping they will.

We were lucky, almost too lucky it was a bit suspicious, because an exact hour later whilst we were working down stairs in the basement, the Dreamon came back. And per usual, he was in one of his confusing moods. One moment he'd be lost in his head and the next he'd be all over me, disgusting enough. He had walked downstairs to tell us we could stop for the night, but instead of just letting me go to my room alone like he had been, he for some reason followed me.

I know something is up, he seemed to be extra stressed, but I just don't know why. What exactly was he planning? I knew he was probably trying to recruit people for ' the war ' but who could he convince in this land? Unless...well unless he wasn't bringing anyone from this land to the fight, but people from other lands?

And I had thought he was over the whole ' getting me to love him ' thing, but maybe he wasn't. It just made me more alert though, scared that at any minute he was going to expect something from me that I would never give. I mean, I'll stay loyal to Dream until the day I die. And speaking of him, I'm terrified that the Dreamon is planning on killing him soon, because that means that I need to work harder on my own plan.

" What are you doing? " I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed. I was already in my pj's, considering that I wear the same dirty clothes everyday.

" Can I not accompany you to sleep? " He asked but I knew it really wasn't a question, so I just looked anywhere but his eyes. I didn't want him to get any ideas.

" No, it's just- you haven't almost all week though, so I just assumed you wouldn't tonight as well "

" Ah yes, I apologize. I have been busy haven't I? " He said as he came a little closer making me start to panic.

" W-what" I started to ask but went quiet when he held my jaw making me look up to him. He was right in front of me, and as much as I want to slap him right now, I knew it was a bad move since I need to convince him.

" Don't worry, we aren't going to do anything you don't wish. But we do need to go to sleep so we have plenty of energy for tomorrow "

" What's tomorrow? "

" Oh tomorrow my dear, you're going to prove just how much I can trust you Georgie " He said and then leaned down to quickly peck my lips before I could even protest.

What the hell was he going to make me do tomorrow?

~ Ranboo's POV ~

It hadn't surprised me that Tubbo showed up to my house, no that didn't surprise me at all, but what did was the fact that he came with more than just himself. I had almost been tackled to the ground after he came rushing through the door and I think possibly pushed George just to get to me. I don't think I've ever witnessed him so...eager? When I tried to walk to the couch he refused to let go of me so I just picked him up so we could go sit. He was a complete mess, just as I expected.

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