Realization | 2 |

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~ Georges pov ~

It had been hours since the angry mob came and took Dream , very long and sad hours. But the fear and sadness that I had felt were long gone and now I was just angry. I was pissed that they'd believe those obvious lies, that someone tried-did frame Dream, and that despite me being King , I was absolutely useless in the whole situation. Dream was always the one who knew what to do , to come up with a plan, that did the dirty work ; but it's just me now and how the hell am I supposed to do this without him? How am I supposed to defend him without that big brain of his telling me the best thing to say?

I'm currently sitting in our small but cozy living room sipping on my favorite tea trying to think of what I'm supposed to do. The only problem is, I know no matter what I do, that I'm going to need help. And thank the gods that the only people I hadn't seen in the mob earlier , were in fact, our best friends. Just on cue, I heard an eager knock at my front door. I instantly froze, scared it might be Bad or someone who wanted to get revenge on Dream, but then I heard a couple of familiar voices and couldn't have gotten there sooner.

As soon as I opened the door, I was engulfed by two pair of arms as we all stumbled back into my house. Before they could even say anything I started to cry again, but not because of sadness, but out of anger, I was still so fucking angry. Once we had all settled down inside, I began to explain what happened earlier. They had came straight here after hearing about Dream being sent to prison, not even knowing what really happened until now. I was still sipping my tea and just barely managing to not cry anymore.

" So just like that, without any solid proof or anything, they just took him off of some ' eyewitnesses ' say? " asked Sapnap getting heated as Karl held his hand trying to keep him level.

" Did they even say what it was that they think he stole before supposedly setting the house on fire, because I bet that's what they're most upset about. I mean we're all so used to Tommy's stunts that I doubt they really care about the house " asked Karl with a calm tone that I didn't know if I appreciated or absolutely hated.

" No, Sam didn't say anything besides what I told you. I'm...I'm just scared he'll try to use force to try to get the truth out of him, something he doesn't even know! " I said putting my head in my hands.

" Well we may not be able to go talk to Sam, considering you're lucky that he didn't take you along with him , but I do have a way we may be able to communicate with Dream. Maybe if they're talking about everything we can listen in. , but just keep in mind that he most likely won't be able to hear us " He said as he pulled some things out from his satchel.

Karl hasn't lived in our land as long as the rest of us who grew up here, he came a few years ago and well we all instantly clicked, though him and Sapnap did more than the rest of us. They've been together for a little over a year now and I couldn't be more happier for them , they're mine and Dreams best friends, which is why it's so fitting that they're the ones here right now. Karl also just so happens to be a wizard, it's actually pretty common for people that have come here from other lands to have been blessed by the gods in that sort of way .

Before I knew it, Karl had put a crystal ball covered in potions on my coffee table and with some hand movements you could see whatever was inside swirl around. Both me and Sapnap were quiet as he did his thing, Sapnap seemed to be in awe and honestly I probably would have been too if not for the current circumstances. Karl was mumbling some chants and I suddenly realized how dark it was outside and how poorly lit the house was. The only source of light was from the kitchen , just barely enough to be able to see each other's faces.

You could say I was extremely eager and nervous. I wanted to hear Dreams voice again, to know he was okay, but I was afraid that when we finally connected through Karl's magic that I'd hear something I didn't want to. Breaking me out of my thoughts , before I was even ready, Karl gave us both a stern look . And then air around us felt like it was suffocating me as we suddenly heard Dreams voice. I was sitting on the edge of my seat, gripping the material and trying to even out my breaths.

Dream " I have no clue what you're talking about! You can ask George, I was with him all night, why would I miss out on spending time with him just to steal and destroy Bad's house? " He yelled to someone we couldn't hear yet.

I could hear the pain in his voice, how he was desperate to make them believe him, it made my heart hurt knowing I couldn't be there to help sooth him. I knew he was innocent, but it seemed as if no one else believed in him.

Sam " Of course George would defend you, but this isn't the first time you've done something like this and blamed it on someone- something else. "

Dream " You and I both know I wasn't in control of myself back then... That I regret ever getting involved with that damn egg in the first place. Why would I put everything that I've worked so hard for at such risk when I'm finally happy, I finally get to be with George, my role was given back to me by the gods and-Sam just please, I didn't do this! "

I started crying all over again. About two years ago there was an ancient mystical creature that had infected our land, corrupted Dream, basically brain washing and possessing him that made him do the most awful things. I had still been in love with him even back then, so seeing him do what he did just broke my heart and confused me. When we finally figured out what was happening with him, of course I the first person to forgive and try to help him .

Karl had came into town just before it all started happening, before Dream became the worst parts of himself. What was worse was the fact that I found out his feelings for me during that time and it made him more possessive over me, he even went as far as taking my thrown away from me. He hurt so many people and destroyed almost everything that made our land our land , that was part of our history . And just when I thought there was no more time to save him,when he-the real him pulled through just long enough to beg us to end it, end it all, Karl barely managed to get the damned Dreamon out of him in time .

He spent months after recovery helping re-build everything, apologize and do things for everyone, even basically being my personal knight until he successfully asked me out and we began dating. It was then that I vowed to always believe and stand up for Dream, he truly was a good man at heart and would never purposely do anything to hurt anyone. But just like back then when the Dreamon was in him , he was stuck in that God awful prison we once thought he'd stay in forever.

Sam " I wish I could believe you, hell I want to believe you, but people saw you-Dream there! Now how could you possibly be two places at once, huh ? " He asked but then it clicked.

Dream " Sam... I. Wasn't. There. ... You have to believe me, if I wasn't there-"

My heart beat had increased incredibly , my palms sweating like there was no tomorrow, and I felt like I couldn't breathe any more making my eyes go wide . I had finally figured it out, but why- how could this be happening again and in this way? Both Sapnap and Karl looked at me with concern as I looked up from the crystal ball to meet their eyes, in absolute fear.

" He's back " I managed to croak out.

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