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Karl's pov

10 Days before the Festival

" How are you even sure they'll show up?" I asked Dream as we sat at the kings round table along with our other trusted friends .

We were in the middle of our regular scheduled meeting when Dream blurted out his secret . A secret that we should have all known . Part of me was furious that he had intel without us knowing too , but I knew he knows what he's doing . At least we know now .

" We got intel from someone , someone on the inside"

" Do you mean...?" Asked Eret .

" No , not George , someone else . Wilbur" Dream answered and suddenly I could feel the hatred they all held for him radiate off In waves .

" but isn't he dead ?" I asked as if I didn't already know the obvious answer .

" It seems that for some reason, the Dreamon revived him , which also means yes , he stole the revive book" my heart sunk .

If he stole the revive book that means he's been to the temple , my old home away from home where I grew up studying for the gods . Did he hurt the munks and Nobel women to get that book or did someone give it up willingly? I need to find out soon . If he hurt any of my family ... my friends and teachers... I'll make sure he lives with a lifetime of curses .

" How the hell did he get the revive book ? Didn't Karl hide that thing away ?" Asked Sapnap as he gave me and Dream a questioning look that didn't make me feel the greatest . God he can be an asshole sometimes .

" Yes and he obviously found it , I don't know why he revived Wilbur , the only thing he told me was when they'll show up"

" Supposedly show up , he could be lying ! There's not reason we should trust someone like him , that's filthy son of a-"

" He's not lying , I think he's playing the Dreamon , let's just hope he doesn't come after us next" said Dream before we all got quiet again .

I don't trust Wilbur but I think he's telling the truth , even if not we need to be prepared for a fight .

Present day Dreams POV

After Sapnap and I patrolled the perimeter one last time , as the sun began to finally disappear we split up to start looking through the crowds . One of us was going to find them and I'm betting on it being me , this has to end with us . We have a team waiting for my signal , all dispersed in the crowd acting as normal security. Though if anyone actually payed attention they'd notice the extra security , 5 times the amount of last years .

It took me about 10 minutes of walking around and seeing families happily participate in the festival activities and kids hanging hanging out and playing games before I saw anyone . It reminded me of the festivals that L'manberg used to host when George , Sapnap , and I were kids . Gods that seems like forever ago .. back before anyone was a king , kidnapped , just best friends .

In the corner of my eye I saw a flash of color , I almost missed it but as soon I turned ..

I saw him . Standing there in the crowd looking as great as ever except ... dead . He has this aura around him , a deadly one and I didn't like it . He seemed determined but also lost in the towns decorations , and determined to do something I'm not sure I want to find out unless it's part of the plan . Does he even remember the plan ? Us ? He acts as if he hasn't been to this kind of festival before time after time again with me ... like he doesn't remember.

Has the Dreamon used his powers to wipe his memories ? To wipe us away ? No...

Before I could think rationally I walked right up to him , right up to the zombie looking man adorned in beautiful clothes as he gazed at the lanterns hanging in the sky . He didn't say anything at first , almost like he didn't recognize me , didn't know I was anyone but a stranger . But as soon as he finally saw me , he started hyperventilating and tearing up , poor George .

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