Pain or Pleasure | 26 |

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Ranboo's POV

There is a time and place for anger , and let's say in the middle of a war is a dangerous time for it to come out . It will either help you fight and win or it'll be the reason you loose , but I'm betting on the first . I'm done sitting and waiting , I'm tired on being left in the dark while others fight my fight for me . Even if this isn't souly about me , I'm still part of it .

They think they were protecting us , but they didn't know we had another option , now we do . I can protect us , we can fight the Dreamon , we will fight the Dreamon . I heard the explosion, I felt it , like I'm only on the surface of what they've made me think is so deep down of a pit . What if this entire time I've had more power than I realized ? What if I can get out of here in time , in time to help win this fight ?

I thought I wasn't going to make it , and part of me was right considering where I am now , but what if I can . What if I'm the key to kicking the demons ass right back to hell ? Part of me knows it's secrets , it's plan , who's in on it and how to stop him . But how do I get out of here is my question... and will the same thing just happen again if I push them back down ?

How long will I have ?

Dream's POV

I almost had him , he was right infront of me , but then ...

He tried to kill me

He wants to kill me

He hates me ...

How am I supposed to save someone who doesn't want to be saved ? He'd rather me be dead than anything because that mother fucker made him think that all of his problems are caused by me .. But I love him regardless, regardless of his sins , I know he didn't want for this to happen . Deep down he still loves me , and that's what I'll have to get to , because he saved me all of those years ago and now it's my turn .

Gods he stayed by me through everything , he really does love me I know it , but how am I supposed to get to him ? After all he's endured just because of me .. do I really deserve another chance ?

" Hey ! Wait !" I yelled as I chased after him , I had no clue where we were going but running up hills have never been my strong suit .

He ran like it was nothing , so beautifully . The more we ran the more I realized how far away we had gotten from the explosion, and when I got on top of the hill I finally stopped to look . The entire place was covered in smoke and although it was dark outside there was so many lights it didn't seem like it at all . There were kids crying , parents looking for doctors, elders performing spells and the guard looking for the Dreamon .

It was like all of those years all over again ; chaos .

" this is exactly what I didn't want to happen .." I barely said out loud .

" what did you expect? This is what you do"George whispered in my ear as we both looked onto the once beautiful palace .

" I didn't do this-" I said as I turned away from him .

" Yes you did ! Everywhere you go destruction follows ! You're the one who got me in the position that I'm in ... and you're the reason I never knew my full potential as a earth wizard" he said as if he was confused by his own words , like even the part of him who loves me was also still so mad at me too .

I wanted to ignore his words , act like they were wrong , but I've never been good at pretending.

" You're right , you should've never been left with the Dreamon George , I should've come found you a long time ago . But I'm not sorry that I hid you away from your powers , you weren't ready and you still aren't" I said and I could see his anger coming off of him in literal waves .

" You have no idea what I've been ready for , like your death !"he yelled but I could see him tearing up , like the part I know and love was being forced to say this , like he was being caged in his own mind just like I was all of those years ago .

" You want me dead ? Then you're going to have to kill me yourself and watch as I die before you" I said as I walked up to him .

He seemed way more hesitant than he was earlier , but I don't know why ?

" I've been waiting for this" he said with a smile as tears ran down his face .

" I love you Georgie" I said as the wind started blowing at the trees and the wildlife around us began to die .

" I hate you so much..." he whispered as he closed his eyes and I wiped away his tears , one last time .

I know he isn't in control , he knows it too . He's probably doing and saying the complete opposite of what he wants to . But I've been there , I know how he feels and how scary this is for him . He has the power to make or break me right now , to save us all of our doom .

" It's okay hun , if you can't control it . Im sorry I wasn't there for you to save you from him , but I'm here now" I said as he started breaking down in my arms .

" I- I can't" he said as he looked me in the eyes .

" You can . Just listen to my voice, I'm here now and I'm not leaving. I know you can't remember, but you know my voice , just listen"

" You left me ! How-how am I ... how am I supposed to trust you ?!"

" Because I love you enough to put my life in your hands, because deep down you're still the young king who just wants to save his people"

" how can you still put your faith in me after all I just said ? After I tried to kill you ?! Are you stupid or just have a death wish ? "

" I just , I love you ..." I said as I brought him into a hug .

If I had it my way I'd never let him go , I just wouldn't . We'd leave now and never come back to this , but I know realistically we can't do that . He has to face his demon , literally. We all do . But first I have to figure out how to get him out from under the Dreamons mind control , if I could just get him somewhere safe-


" what the hell ?" We instantly let go of each other and turned towards the palace .

It was worse this time , the explosions weren't stopping ... and when I turned to look back at George he had a guilty look on his face , as if he knew this was going to happen .

" George , you need to tell me his plan right now " I said firmly , this was something he wouldn't have a choice in .

" I-I don't know , he wouldn't tell me" he said looking even more guilty.

I pulled him closer to me and looked him in the eyes as I demanded " Promise you're not lying" .

" I promise"

AN : okay so the next last couple of chapters will be very long . But what are your thoughts on the story so far ?

Do you think George can be redeemed?

Should Ranboo make a comeback ?

Is there any other characters povs you want to read ?

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