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~ George's POV ~

I used to think that I'd never see anyone fight themselves as hard as I witnessed Dream back in those dark days, but I guess I was wrong, dead wrong. ( pun intended ) It's been a couple of days since me and Ranboo's both got held hostage at his house by this monster, which means according to Ranboo's, it's been the longest he's held out from ' switching ' since it first started happening to him. Five days?

But now that I think about it, were the others look for us yet, they had to have noticed, right? Time was flying by and it was getting hard to keep track of, especially with my flight or fight response being on all of the time. I only know how long we've been here because the Dreamon loves to remind me every morning.

Luckily for me though, the Dreamon had been too busy planning that he totally forgot about the whole making me love him like Dream thing, or I hope he did. Which was his mistake because for some reason, ever since I've been held captive I've also somehow managed to get a grip on myself. Thought it had me feeling really bad for Ranboo.

Since we've been stuck here together we've been slowly getting close, definitely not something I thought I'd ever do, but I'm quite glad about it. He's a really cool guy, even if he's like really younger than me. If anything I've started seeing as a younger brother, someone I need to protect , though I know things will become different once this is over. Even if he does like me and our friendship, Dream will eventually end that.

But I guess now I'd bask in the new friendship while I can and maybe even try to see where he stands on the whole Dream thing. I mean most people just dismiss me so easily after finding out I stayed with him after everything, never even trying to out themselves in mine or his shoes.

Though for some reason I have a feeling Ranboo is different. Especially after seeing him fight as hard as he has been for these past couple of days, this man is quite something . I had thought he was weak, a little boy who just got wrapped into something awful, but now I see it. I see why the Dreamon decided to use him, now how messed up it is, he's a fighter.

We were currently just sitting in the living room eating our dinner , we've been working non stop. And yes I said we, I taught him some stuff in our breaks so he could contribute and he's been working hard on making sure he does. I have a feeling he knows about my secret stash but he hasn't said anything, probably because that big brain of his knows it'll defeat the whole purpose of me not telling him about it in the first place.

He was eating his steak as I ate mine and despite how weird it sounds, I was studying him. He had awful eye bags , likely because of the lack of sleep he's been getting. He moves slower than normal, usually he's a big ball of energetic awkwardness , and his humour despite how annoying it can be has scarily deflated along with his cheeriness. I mean it may have gotten on my nerves at first, but now it's just worrisome that it's gone.

He had mentioned yesterday or the day before, I think that Tubbo would be showing up here any day now, which had him on nerve because he doesn't know how the Dreamon will react and Tubbo's safety is his top priority . Which by the way I think is really good, considering all the poor boy has gone through , Tubbo needs someone good to care for him. He's one of the many people who were done so wrong by Dream during his dark era, though I know it wasn't entirely his fault, it still haunts me that he actually hurt children..

But what we weren't expecting is that Tubbo would bring more than just himself . We had just finished eating and were gonna go ' back to work ' when someone knocked and we heard more than just Tubbo's voice. At first it scared me thinking that, that many people were getting involved and out at risk , but then I heard two very familiar voices that had me running to the door.

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