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AN : Hello everyone!

I just wanted to have a little convo/interaction . Thank you so much to everyone who's been invested in this story and who interacts and comments ( especially the commenters) I really appreciate it and you always help me keep on with it ! <333

So I may or may not be running low on motivation... 👉🏼👈🏼 buttt I'm not giving up on the story and I already know how I want it to end and... Well it's future. 👀

Butttt I figured that while we're waiting for me to get off of my butt and continue writing why not have a good interaction!?

I wanna see some of yalls theories or suggestions! ( I've seen some really good ones) I know you have thought of something good!

Any questions for/about the characters ?

Any questions about the story as a whole that you think I could answer?

And any questions for me as a writer or anything not too personal?

And lastly, I hope everyone who reads this is doing well and if not, knows it's okay and what ever you're dealing with will pass and you're not alone <3

Ps. If you want to listen to the music I do when I write this, then just go on Spotify and search the story's name and it should pop up :)

Thank you! ( pls interact) 💜💜💜

- Alistair

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