Overshadowed Past | 17 |

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AN : Hey guys sorry it's taken me a bit to upload, I've been having a rough time lately, but I hope you all are doing great! Thank you for reading this. <33333333

Please excuse any spelling errors, consider voting, don't be shy to comment and I hope you enjoy!

( I'm currently listening to : Your Sister Was Right - Wilbur Soot ' while writing this)


George's POV

" Oh Georgie, where'd you go? " called Dream in a sing song voice as I continued running through one of the many shallow forests that surrounds L'manberg.

I was way out of breath but I kept on , jumping over small logs and pushing branches out of my way as I ran towards the safe zone. Today, like every Friday is manhunt day or at least that's what we like to call it : Me, Dream, and Sapnap.

We all train, me as the soon to be king of L'manberg and them as part of the guard, and soon to be my right hand knights. The current king, my father said that the training is necessary to keep us in shape and in tune with our roles just in case something ever happens and that way we're prepared, but I think that's silly considering where we live.

Nothing bad ever happens in L'manberg.

Usually I run straight to the safe zone and although I am on the way, I'm going to make a little detour, today I've decided to finally try out my fighting skills in the ' field ' . So once I finally make it to the biggest oak tree out here that singles for me to turn right to the path, I instead just climb right up the tree and cling to its thick branches.

I want - I am going to prove that just because I'm small that doesn't mean I can't kick someone's ass. In about three months I'll be turning 18 and will be considered the new official King of L'manberg, there will be no more short cuts or playing around in training so I might as well show that I can do it starting now.

I slowed my breathing the best I could and tried to stay silent but as soon as I saw the top of Sapnap's head I couldn't help but giggle. You see Dream always goes easy on me in our manhunt training but Sapnap never does and still can't manage to ever take me down. Though as soon as the giggle escaped my lips I quickly covered my mouth with my hands so he wouldn't spot me, no way am I going to blow my cover now.

" I can smell your fear! " he yelled as he continued to slowly walk around the area to try to find me.

" Are you sure that isn't your own B.O?" Joked Dream as he suddenly walked up from out of nowhere which made my breath hitch in surprise.

" Ha ha very funny, but you won't be laughing for long. Today's the day I finally get him"

" You sure about that? I have a feeling our little Georgie has something up his sleeve, usually he's made it to the safe zone but it seems he's decided on hiding" and he isn't wrong, but I couldn't help but smile hearing that come out of his mouth .

I've always loved our training, especially with Dream because I've had the biggest crush on him since we were little, not that I'd ever tell him that of course. No matter my feelings towards him I know it won't work out because as future King it'll be my duty to continue my blood line and marry into another Royal Family, which even if Dream did like me back he is neither of.

Dream grew up basically poor and has worked hard to get in and stay in the guard, plus the fact that we're both guys doesn't help. Part of me sometimes wishes that I wasn't born into a Royal Family so I could be with him, but then I remember that he doesn't even like guys and even if he did I doubt that I'd actually have a chance with him.

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