Lover or Demon ? | 6 |

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TW : This chapter will be intense and will include brief sexual harassment and assault. You don't necessarily need to read this chapter for the story, at the very end I will write a brief summary for those who don't want to read everything. <333


~ Georges POV ~

" Dream? " I asked again, but this time as I got up to run to him. Despite my still hurt head and ankle I still ran to him pretty quick, I could care less about any of my pain, he'd been through so much .

I practically jumped on him as I wrapped my shaky arms around him as tightly as I could and buried my face in his chest, basking in his embrace as he hugged me back with the same force. It was a little weird how he wasn't saying anything or how I didn't feel the usual comfort I got from his warm hugs, but maybe he was just tired? He did carry me back here after all, though why didn't he just sleep next to me like usual if he was that tired? What if he couldn't sleep at all because of the stress...what if he was too conflicted by whatever Sam did to him?!

Wait but didn't Sam let him out? But when did that happen and why wasn't I informed? It's possible it could've happened while I was sneakily on my way to him, but wouldn't Eret have known? I know for a fact that Sapnap couldn't have talked to Sam that early in the morning, no matter what it is that man is not a morning person, maybe Karl talked to him? My head was jumbled with so many questions, like why wasn't I taken to Puffy and Niki for medical help, or even Karl, and where are we? I wanted to ask him all of these, get some answers, but I was scared of ruining the moment ; I needed this-him after everything.

We stood there for another couple of minutes, I was afraid of letting him go, afraid he'd somehow be pulled out of my arms and dragged away again. I wouldn't let that happen though, I'll protect him at all costs, even if I get beaten down in the process. I had tried today or yesterday- whenever it was , I really did and I'm sure he knows that.

But now, now it doesn't matter, he's free and safe and that's what does. We can finally go back to normal, well we can once we get rid of that sick bastard that got him put in the prison in the first place. Gods I'll be so happy once that gets done, he's ruined everything for us.

I wanted to bask in this, his presence , but something in my gut was telling me that this wasn't real-that I needed to run. But no...there wasn't anything wrong! Right? I hugged him tighter confirming he was real-here, but then those questions started piling up making me doubt my lovers identity. No..this has to be him! Please..?

" How'd you-" I started asking but stopped as I realized this couldn't possibly be him, no way could Karl and Sapnap have convinced Sam to let Dream go before I got there...

Dream had to still be in prison, all alone with no one but his thoughts and worries besides a possibly antagonizing Sam bombarding him with questions he didn't have any answers for. But if this wasn't Dream holding me in his arms, then it had to be... Suddenly the man's fingers softly lifted my chin to meet his gaze. I felt my heart hurt as I saw the man's all too familiar beautiful features, but somehow they were skewed, new marks here and there , and there was a completely different look in his eyes than the man I loved. It gave me chills...

" Why are you crying? " He asked softly, making me realize that I was.

" B-because you're not really him" I admit getting an overwhelming senation of pure fear, so much so that I couldn't even move. I was scared to death.

" I can be if you want " He whispered as he started leaning closer to me causing me to cry even harder. I felt stupid for being this weak, but at this point I couldn't do anything about it.

" No! Y-you can't, you'll never be him !" I managed to say but quickly regretted it due to his grip on my waist and chin getting tighter to the point it starts to hurt and I can feel my legs about to give out.

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