Sad Love Birds | 16 |

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AN : okay so I wanted something a little less tense than the usual, so per request, you're finally getting a Karlnap chapter ! XD make sure to lemme know what you think!

~ Karl's POV ~

Something I've always enjoyed even before I moved here is waking up early in the morning and tending to my garden. As a wizard connecting with nature is very important and really just calms my soul. It gives me a sense of peace knowing that I can contribute to such beauty, help it thrive and make it to great use. I usually end up producing a lot of my own magical herbs from it and what I don't use myself I give to others at the markets or sell.

It's what I'm currently doing, watering some of my many flower bushes as I bake in the sun and try to ignore all of my worries and stressful responsibilities. I want to escape a little and that's what I plan on doing today or at least try to. Sapnap is off guard duty today and I know he's going to want to catch up with me, my worries and complaints included but maybe I could distract him too.

He's been trying to act all big and tough , like he can handle all of his stress on his own. News flash- he can't and we both know it. He's like the definition of a teddy bear and as soon as you get passed his walls you'll see it , it's one of the many reasons I love him. Plus the fact that he's so caring and absolutely hilarious!

I knew the day I met him when he offered me his help that there was just something about him , something that I chased until I got. And now we're both happier than can be -well besides the obvious drama going on around us. But thats part of life and honestly as long as we're together through it all I'll be okay.

I'd been so stressed out about finding a way to help Ranboo that I completely got wrapped in it and it had started affecting my mental health and our relationship for a while, but it was Sapnap who pulled me aside from everything and made me take a break from work to focus on myself and us. It made me realize how much I'd been taking for granted, his love, patience , how easy we had it compared to others, and I decided right then and there that I was going to marry him -propose.

But have I had the chance to, no. I had it all planned out, I was going to propose at Kinoko Kingdom - it's where Sapnaps family is from. I was going to enchant some fireflies to stay around the gorgeous fountain that was just built that he loves so much so it'd be extra romantic. And then I woke up the morning before and heard that one of my best friends had been arrested and I knew it wasn't the time, not yet.

But now after seeing so much going on, the way George just wanted to protect Dream and everyone he loves, Dreams reaction from being without George, the way Sapnap is trying his best to be here for me despite his own heartache, I'm getting a feeling that there isn't just some right time like I thought there was. That maybe I should just do it soon before...well before there isn't time at all. much for not thinking about my worries .

" Babe what are you doing up so early? " asked Sapnap who literally came out of nowhere , which caused me to turn around in shock and spray him with water.

" oh my gods.." He grumbled as he wiped some water away from his tired eyes and even though a part of me felt bad I could help but giggle as I turned back around to turn off the water hose.

He's just way too cute in the mornings, gods I'm so lucky.

" Are you laughing at me? I'll show you something laugh worthy " he said as I continued giggling but squealed as soon as I felt his arms around me, soaking my clothes now in the process.

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