The unforgotten | 27 |

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Tubbo's POV

I remember when I was younger , when it was just me , Tommy , and Wilbur against the world. Before any disc's, sides , and wars . Back when things were normal and I was just a little orphan boy . Sometimes I miss it , the safety and normalcy, but then I remember how lonely I was back then too . Not like I've been now , no it was a different kind then .

Don't get me wrong , I love my family, but they have their faults just like every family does . I cant count the times when I was a kid when they'd lose me at a Royal gathering or fair and not realize until hours later . I cant forget the apologies and gifts that would come after haha . Or the times when Tommy would blame me for his shenanigans and let me get grounded for weeks . And the nights when I'd cry myself to sleep because even as grateful as I was for Phil , I always wondered why my birth parents never wanted me .

No one was ever there for me , they all blew me problems off like it was nothing . Everyone but him . Ever since I met Ranboo he's listened and been there for me , every , single , time . And after all we've been through , he's my only family left now . It was as if when I finally cracked and did what was best for myself no one had time for me . Or more like they knew they couldn't use me anymore . But sure Phil visits every now and then but only because he feels responsible for me being so fucked ip .

Oh and Tommy is so messed up too he couldn't care less . Part of me hopes he feels guilty for fucking me over , time after time again . I love him , but I won't let that get in the way of my hatred for his actions against everyone including myself . And yes I do feel bad for him , he's only fucked up so badly because of what he's been through but he needs to learn when enough is enough . I know I have .

And I may not get around much anymore but Punz and Ranboo kept me up to date with the trouble he's been causing . Speaking of Punz , ever since we decided to come back he's been extra pissy . Fucking piss baby . He decided to bring some people back with us for extra man power , or whatever power they actually possess . So naturally we arrived on time , or that'd what I thought . Until we heard the bombs ...

BBH's POV ( finally right ? Hehe )

Sometimes you can spend your whole life being torn between doing what's right and what's wrong . I've always wanted to do what's right but sometimes I get blindsided by the people closest to me , the people I love most in this world . It's happened recently too . I got caught up in something I had no idea about and made everything so much more worse for everyone. Including the people I love .

I promise I didn't mean to hurt anyone , but when he told me he saw my best friend burn down our house , when he looked me in the eyes and swore he was telling the truth , I believed him . I believed the man that I've been in love with since I was just a young boy . I remember the boy that used to pick me flowers and stand up for me against my bullies , the boy that told me it was okay to be me when my friends would tease me one too many times .

But of course I knew he could've been lying , but at the time I couldn't think of a reason of why he would . I mean after all we've been through I thought we were past the whole wanting revenge on my friends thing . I thought we were stronger than this , strong enough to stay on each other's side for our son . But I guess someone got under his skin , got past his walls and into his precious head , because before I knew it , he was back at hating everyone I love .

He even went at far as telling me nasty lies about them and convincing me that they're not good for me anymore . I know it was foolish to think such things , to believe him , but once against when the love of your life tells you something , you trust them with your whole heart . But eventually I saw past his lies and found out exactly just what he's been up to for the past months . It mortified me at first , but then it broke my heart .

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