Faulty Trust | 9 |

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AN : sorry I was absent for a bit! I got caught up in school... Anyways I should be back to uploading regularly again! Please consider voting, don't be shy to comment and I hope you enjoy!
* ps. If you haven't yet checked out the Band Lovejoy ( great songs) I recommend it!

~ Georges POV ~

I know I looked and sounded pathetic when I say there and asked Ranboo for his help against the Dreamon earlier today, hell I'm a King but from how low I've sunk in fear you'd never know. For the past few hours since I've gone to bed, thankfully alone, I've been trying to think of all of the ways I can work through this. If Technoblade actually did agree to help us out, what would be the price I'd have to pay? Would he want to take over L'manberg as King? Or would he himself want revenge on Dream like so many others?

The fact that Ranboo was so willing to help had me wondering of there was other people out there who would be willing as well, because we all know the Dreamon won't just stop at killing Dream ; he'll hurt everyone eventually. Right now it's just me and Ranboo he has held captive, but when he can't get what he wants from us then he'll go to out loved ones and do the same doe them and so on. It'll be a endless cycle of torture.

He told me and Ranboo before we both went to bed that he was going out and for us not to try anything or else, whatever that meant. And ever since then I've just been lying here, I wish I could've just easily fallen asleep so I'd have enough energy for tomorrow. Earlier he mentioned that once we get started we wouldn't be getting much of a break, which meant that whenever Ranboo got the chance to go get help, it'd be when he's on the job. But it's had me wondering, just what in the world was he expecting us to do?

~ Time skip ~

I never did end up falling asleep last night, and let me tell you, that was my first mistake. My second mistake would have been underestimating the Dreamons plans for us to ' work ' , we quite literally were working on crafting things for him that he insisted he would need for the ' war ' . Though Ranboo wasn't as skilled in crafting as I was, as someone who was never skilled in fighting and stuff like that I really caught into crafting and the arts.

Which by the way I think is quite ironic considering the gods chose to give me the responsibility as King. I mean what did they expecting me to do? Sure I work a lot of things out but I mostly just rely on Dream in any huge dispute, maybe that's why I've truly been this successful... Maybe I never really was a good King, just a fooled one.

We had been crafting for hours, though I was doing most of the work seeing as Ranboo was just truly confused. Most of the supplies and tables we were using were very old and complex. I only know them well because of my training. We were down in Ranboo's basement and it was beyond freezing down here, mainly because it didn't even seem to be finished being built. There were parts of the walls that didn't even connect and the floor was basically nonexistent, just dirt.

And yet by the time we walked down here as constructed by the Dreamon, all of the supplies and tables were already here and waiting. It made me wonder, how the hell could Ranboo have been going through what he had for as long as he has and not notice anything? It made me glad that I could rely on my full self..

I was currently working on making an axe , the Dreamon said he needed it extra sharp . Apparently most of the tools we were crafting weren't even going to be used for their purposes but for weapons and by the amount he wanted done , it seemed like we were making enough for an army. Gods I hope nobody would be rash enough to actually join his cause willingly , because trust me, anyone who does will not be shown mercy once this whole thing is over .

I've started to really think about it because no matter what I do I can't seem to ignore it , that I really need to step up as king and just get over my stupid fear . I made the decision to accept the gods placement for me and I need to take responsibility wholly.

" Hey when do you think we'll be done? " Asked Ranboo as he sat down on the ground ' sharpening ' an axe. Is he serious?

" I don't know when, maybe if you actually did something it'd pass the time " I retorted grumpy.

He's barely done anything, and even though most of it was too complicated to teach him in a little amount of time we had to actually get this done, ( which was before the Dreamon comes back, whenever that would be) there was plenty of other things he could be doing . And he complains, gods, he complains so much ! honestly, babysitting him is what probably made me mature so quick in the past couple hours .

He reminds me of me , when I first started training . I used to be so determined and somehow, over the years, I've let myself become soft and weak...childish

" Yeesh, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed " He mumbled.

" Are you trying to get a rise out of me? You've literally been doing nothing but complaining and organizing shit and I'm supposed to be cheerful about it? " I practically yelled which made him jump in shock.

" I... I'm sorry I should be helping more, but I'm not like you George. I only know as much as Tubbo's taught me which wasn't anything advanced.. I'm doing all I can "

" Well you might as well go upstairs and make us lunch or something, you're wasting your time just sitting down here "

" Okay.. " He agreed without making eye contact and quickly getting up to leave making me sigh.

I didn't want to be an ass to him, but I was just too stressed out and on edge without any sleep. Plus I was working hard over here, working to help my damn enemy . But I.. I know what I'm doing, I have to, once I gain his trust I'll do exactly what I planned and this is just how I do it. He was actually stupid enough to leave us down here alone and in knowing that, I've been making my own little trinkets that will surely come in handy.

Especially since the only people I know who have any tables and supplies as old and advanced , is Karl and the people who run the gods temple, which by the way is extremely far from here. I only know of it because a lot of my training had to do with me being there for a long periods of time throughout my childhood. I was so lucky.

I have the trinkets and weapons hidden down here where not even Ranboo knows, I don't need his other half snitching on me so I didn't tell him I was even doing it either. I crafted so much stuff I'm betting and hoping that no one will even realize that some of it is missing. The Dreamon may think he'll have an army, but I know people that will for sure fight on our side. I know I can count on my friends, loyal knights and maybe even the towns people. But who was be so confident in that would join him?

Who could possibly be so far gone and deep in hatred that they'd want to risk everyone's life just to end Dream's?

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