Fuzzy love | 28 |

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Sorry uploading has been pretty inconsistent lately but I'm going to try to finish these few last chapters this month ! My next story is called Bittersweet, check it out :) ( it's vampire themed )

Karl's POV

Sometimes I think the the gods had no clue what they were doing when they made humans and all of the other creatures in our universe. I mean they surely had to have thought about what would happen when humans and demons mix ; complete chaos , right ? And yet they did it anyway .

They let us live in danger and for what ? Unless they aren't all knowing ... I know , I know , but Karl don't you worship and serve these beings ? I guess I used to but lately I've been serving myself , I guess that's why I haven't been feeling as connected to them . But if I'm being honest I've never been happier because it lets me help others in a way I was never able to before . Freely .

The Gods have always limited my powers because they knew if I had full access just how powerful I'd be and they feared me because of it . In a way it's the same reason me and Dream didn't come clean about George's powers , we were scared that he wouldn't be able to handle them , but in the end it was really just hurting him . I could see the way George was searching for something in life , he always has , and I know it was his lost connection with nature that has made him feel so empty .

Just like the gods mistake , we should've told George , let him be the judge of what he could and couldn't handle . And now because of our mistake he's being manipulated by someone to use his powers for evil and it's probably hurting himself and his relationship with nature . His gift from the Gods is something no one had the right to hide from him , we've committed one of the most serious sins . And look where it's gotten us . All around me is pain and suffering caused by the Dreamon who is in charge of George and his power , who knows what he'll make George do and what he is capable of . I mean he already almost literally drained the life out of Dream .

I was healing a little girl who got lost during the first bomb , her and her mother traveled all the way for sorghum town two oceans away so that they could connect with the gods . Because that's what this was truly about , them , but of course their creations got in the way .. I was lucky that using my powers so directly like this wasn't draining me yet , usually by now I'd pass out , but when I saw how scared and hurt she was I knew I wasn't going to just let her wonder around on her own wounded . It was her leg that was hurt , she could barely walk on it . By the time I'm done she won't even remember the pain , at least I hope .

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice ordering people around , when I turned around I saw one of my one and only love's fathers heading straight towards me with a bow in his hand and a condescending smile on his face . Both worrying me .

" Well look at this , Dream has you on the sidelines now huh ? How pathetic" chuckled Skeppy as he bent down to look at me .

" Not on the sidelines , healing people matters you know ... what are you doing here and with that weapon ?"

" Haven't you heard ? We're in the middle of a war buddy , I mean I'm surprised you don't have any weapons on you but I guess your little magic tricks with do "

" okay enough , I get it , you're all big and bad . Now seriously what's going on ? Do you have any idea who blew this place up ? I mean you surely must be livid that your palace has been destroyed along with your towns folk , you do care about them too right ?"

" Sure I care , and since you asked so nicely , I did . Now about my palace , that hasn't been touched , not officially, I deliberately focused on the outskirts where the festival was being held"

As soon as I heard those words leave his mouth he was instantly on the ground coughing up blood and all I could see was red . I wasn't killing him but I wish I was . I was using more of my powers doing this but it was worth it , I wanted him to feel the pain of his people , of me , of the little girl who leg was hurt because he decided to blow up his kingdom for kicks . I couldn't believe he could care so little about the people who put their trust in him , my own family ... Sapnap ... oh gods ..

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