The Unexpected

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AN : RIP Techno . Leave any good memories commented here to share :,) !

George's POV

" don't tell me you're going to make poor goggy choose ? Fuck , man that's cruel don't you think!"

We all turned around so quick who the hell-

" Tommy ?" I was beyond confused .

Why was he here and why in the world did he decide to show up now ? Does he have a death wish ? I know him and Dream didn't talk anymore , but ... the Dreamon ... he's the one who really hurt Tommy . We all know that Dream would have never hurt him if he had been in control of himself , that Tommy would never be so ... messed up . But here he is , right in front of the godlike creature who tortured him for fun .... Wait ... how did I know this ? I ... my memories are coming back ?!

" You didn't really think that'd I miss all of the good ole fun did you ? I mean , we are friends , right ?" Said Tommy with a wicked smile i for some reason recognized.

I looked between Dream and the Dreamon , something about this seemed all too familiar.

Back when the (Dream)on was torturing Tommy

( AN : December 2021 streams )

" Tommy he's not your friend ! Friends don't do this kind of things to each other ! He- He took my thrown , made Tubbo banish you-" I yelled as Tommy walked away from me to technos house .

" And yet he's the only one who's been by my side, you never came to see me even though you had every opportunity. Not even- you know what that doesn't matter now does it , you don't care about me , you just want me to help you in your suicide mission" he said as he started frantically going through a wall of chests .

" No I'm not , I want you to help me figure out what's wrong with him , this- this isn't him Tommy ... this isn't the man I love"

" Shut up George , of course it is , who else would it be?"

He's right , what is wrong with him ? Is this really Dream ? The love of my life doing all of these horrible things to everyone? I've been in hiding every since he gave my thrown to Eret , I just can't been seen right now . I received a letter from Philza that Tommy was here and I knew I needed to take action . Tommy knows Dream in a way I never will , all of the worsts parts of him that's he's accumulated recently. I need him on my side if I'm going to figure out what in the world is wrong with him and how to help him .

" I know you don't believe me , but this isn't Dream okay ? There's something wrong with him , remember Bad and the egg ? It's like that , it has to be" I begged .

" and why should I care about that , my goal is far from yours George , if I see him it won't be to change him , but kill him "

" what ... what did you just say?" I asked shocked as I took a step back right into the wall .

" He said he's going to kill me , love" we both turned around towards the door way and I felt like I had whiplash .

" Dammit , didn't techno take care of you ?" Asked Tommy as he grabbed his- technos- SOMEONES sword off the wall .

" Oh he tried , but with that horrible tower out there , I just knew you were lurking around here somewhere" he said with a chuckle before turning to me .

" You don't want him to kill me now do you ? I know , I know , taking your thrown was a bit too much , but I had to show them that I'm in charge now" he said as he slowly walked up to me with a smirk , I'd back away even more if the wall wasn't right behind me .

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