Prophecy Ties | 14 |

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Please excuse any spelling errors, consider voting, don't be shy to comment and I hope you enjoy! :D
Also TW : Towards the end of the chapter there will be mention of lots of blood, no one dies or gets hurt, blood is just apart of the scene.

~ Karl's POV ~

There's something about the concept of time that makes my blood boil. Perhaps it's the fact that time goes by quickly for me and I'm always- well usually always very eager for the next thing to happen. When you're living like that, everything and sometimes everyone just seems to pass by without you really noticing. You're just looking forward and planning for the future so much that you miss out on your present.

But that's what I love about this land, it's people I've come to know and love make it extremely hard to not just sit and enjoy the present. And although it's sometimes unstable nature can be quite time consuming, this land has something- someone's that make it feel like anything can happen no matter your odds.

I was once just a lonely errand boy for the gods, going anywhere and doing anything when they needed me, but now I have a place - a home. And I don't need to leave and go anywhere to help or make a difference, me already being here is doing that. I don't need to buy my love any more.

Something most people don't realize is that I'm extremely grateful that I get to work for the gods, but no one will ever understand what it's like to give everything up for people who don't truly care about what happens to you or what you want. I've devoted my life to the gods since I was 14 and didn't get to start living my own life until I moved here, but even then, I only came here for a mission anyways.

When I first came here I thought I'd only be staying for about a year and leave like I usually did when the gods sent me on random quests but I ended up staying for almost three years now. I've gotten attached and I know I shouldn't have but I just couldn't help it. I fell in love, made friends, made an impact, settled down and I guess there's nothing I can do about it now. I've just been praying that the gods won't send me away on another mission, that this is where I really do belong, home.

What's even worse is that I actually haven't heard from the gods since I accepted the place as L'manberg's Heir Wizard from George, which is the only person with the authority to give such placement. But the thing is, he didn't ask the gods, so it wasn't blessed, it's man given. Which of course probably pissed them off, especially since I'm the gods property in this way. But even if that's the case, i wouldn't ever give up the title. George is a great king and he knows what he's doing...well most of the time.

My best friend has always been annoyingly stubborn, the very first day I met him I could tell that. Once he makes up his mind up about something, he's set on going through, no matter how much he complains about it or how much he wishes he could just quit, he won't. That's how I know I can count on him to pull through, why he's such a great king, and even a better person over all.

When George told me and my boyfriend Sapnap that our old enemy was back again for revenge, I was scared shitless. For myself, no. But for him, Dream - one of my best friends and my boyfriend's brother. We all defied the Dreamon, but those two love birds are at the center of its rage I'm sure.

I can remember everything like it happened yesterday, though if my math is correct it was about two and half years ago. After having a vision blessed by the gods - a message telling me to come to some far and distant land, I ended up getting lost right outside of L'manberg's gates. I was too exhausted and upset from my long trip so of course when a ravishingly handsome man, my now boyfriend, came to the rescue and helped me get situated, I couldn't help but be moved by his kindness and get myself involved in this lands at the time current war.

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