Beauty and the Beast | 23 |

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Dreamon POV

Something people tend to forget after things going right for so long is that you can't control the way the world works . They get so used to not worrying , that feeling of anxiety being just a distant memory , but when I came back they remembered- I made them remember. And now it's time to finish what I started , do what I came here to do . I never want them to forget that pain and misery ever again .

Or at least that's what I thought I wanted ...

What I hadn't planned on when I thought out my revenge was falling in love . Sure I knew before I came back that I had feelings for the mortal but I had no idea how much they'd grow , how much he made me want to change . You can say that I don't truly love him , but you don't know my heart- the beauty he brings out of me when no one's watching .

All the times things seemed to have gone right , my little slip ups , the sweet moments were no accident , no coincidence but because I've been playing at two games this whole time . I just haven't figured out which one I'll end on , who'll I'll let win .

" So when do you think you'll ditch the king ?" Wilbur teased as we went over the lands map .

We're in the middle of planning out our big surprise, the destruction of this entire land , every town and village will be wiped out . I had decided to use Wilbur since he knew better than anyone how to really hurt the people of this land , the exact buttons to push . But the longer we've been working together the more I realized just how deceitful and mental he really is . It makes me almost fear for when his people find out he's back , what wrath he'll bring upon them once I'm gone .

" I didn't bring you back from purgatory just for you to threaten the love of my life" I snapped back as he carefully watched me with a smirk on his face .

" I'm not stupid , I know you just want to use me but what's the point in dragging down poor gogy ? You know he'll never truly love you"

If only he knew .

" You of all people should know what's that like , you still think Quackity loves you" I chuckled as he flinched .

" He does"

" And why would he love the very person who locked him away ? Who took him away from everything he's ever known just to be what , some damsel in distress?"

" I saved him from that monster" he protested with fire in his eyes .

" Ah yes his husband"

" ex husband" he said with a smile ...

" ha they always wondered how he died , wait did you tell Quackity that it was you ? Poisoning his alcohol , very sneaky" I teased as I took a sip of wine .

" What are you getting at huh ? You think you can control me-"

" As if right now I do , in fact I own you so unless you want me to hurt your little damsel in distress I'd behave . The difference between our mortals is that mine actually fell in love with me on his own , yours just happen to get stockholm syndrome because he thinks you saved him" I spat as I got up and left .

He doesn't understand, no one does but the love me and George share is real. I fell in love with his innocence and he fell in love with my corruption, but that's what make us such a pair.

And ever since I was finally able to fix his precious little mind he's been completely mine , love , hate , and all .

Since I know how much he loves the forest I let him stay there for the majority of the day , his powers have gotten stronger and because of that he's been able to make his own beautiful dome/den . It's made out of vines and all other sorts of beautiful plants and creatures combined . In the back there's an opening in the top so you can see the sky and right under is a small water fountain, he likes looking in the water for some reason.

That's where I'm heading right now , we'll I'm trying to at least . Ever since I completely wiped his memories his powers have gotten stronger which somehow made the whole forest thicker and thrive , not that's completely bad just an inconvenience .

" oh Georgie would you be a dear and help me through?" I called as I continued making my way through touch branches and past small creatures that feared my presence.

Before I could take another step a vine came out of no where and carried me quickly to George's dome and I came completely unharmed besides a little scratch on my cheek from a branch , nothing a God can't handle . As soon as I came inside George turned around from the water and smiled at me , we'll at first .

" What happened?!" He asked as he examined my cheek with his hard eyes but soft hands .

See totally in love with me now with no conflictions .

" Don't worry it's just a scratch gogy" I answered as I softly held his hands in mine causing him to smile and blush .

" I want to know who caused that"

"It happened as I was being dragged in here"

" so one of mine ..." he said with wide eyes .

The next thing I knew a the whole plant that had carried me here died in an instant ... I quickly looked back to George's and this time his eyes were happy ? That's - that's good . I'm glad he's willing to sacrifice his own for me .

" You didn't have to "

" yes I did , I'd die for you , so they will too" he said before getting on his top toes to kiss me .


AN: this is a short chapter before things get intense . There will only be 30 chapters so get ready for an ending folks :)

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