Beyond his eyes | 21|

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"Don't you ever get tired of being on the run? I mean we've been at this for weeks, you could just-"

" shut up, its not happening "

" but i-"

" seriously let it go, he had his reasons you know that. Do you really want to go back there blind? You'll just be more of a burden than any help"


" maybe it's time we go back, it been a month now do you really think they haven't already won?"

" no"

" come on you-"

" just go to back to sleep, we have long day ahead of us "

Sleep ...

" I'm sure everything's fine now, I mean they know what they're dealing with"

" It's not safe man, you know that"

" it could be"

" but it's not"

Will it ever?

" Do you think-"

" I sent a letter last week, they should've gotten it by now"

" And you didn't tell me?"

" it was too risky"

"That's it I'm done with this shit!"

"What? Seriously what do you think you're going to be able to do? The last thing they need right now is another person to look after"

" oh yeah that's right, I'm just another burden, you know I'm more than that right?"

" No offense but I don't really care, I'm only doing this for Ranboo, you really think I want to be here right now babysitting you when my friends are at war?"

" fuck you! I didn't choose this, I didn't fucking choose to be such a waste of space! Do you know what it's like seeing everyone you love die and not being able to do shit about it? What it's like being helpless when the person you love most in the world is in constant pain? You don't know shit Punz!"


I never knew what it was truly like to be selfish until my eldest brother made his first move, the move that ended up dictating my whole life. He said he was misjudged and that he had real vision for our land, and I stupidly believed him at the time, but what could a young boy really know about war?

Other than I feared it. I feared him.

When I was only 14 I was having nightmares about what he was going cause- what he wanted me to partake in. But then he said he was turning over a new leaf and I again stupidly believed him. He manipulated me into thinking he was really okay again, that I didn't have to worry anymore-i wish I hadn't been so naive..

No one expected the bombs. The death- destruction.

And in such a vulnerable time for our land no one expected the Dreamon either . Those were the worst years of my life . Being president was supposed to be Tommy's job , it should've been . What did anyone expect a 16 year old to be able to accomplish? Or at least this 16 year old . It seemed that no matter how hard I tried I could never live up to Tommy , he was like nothing this lands ever seen before - a child prodigy.

I of course am the runt of the family , the baby . Sure Tommy caused trouble , but that trouble was nothing compared to the victory he'd have in the end .

Or so we thought .

When the Dreamon came into play everything changed . We weren't just dealing with random criminals and petty wars , we were dealing with what we thought was just Dream but in reality was a demon . Now looking back it it's hard to try to tell the difference between the two , but if I had to guess Dream was always a little disinterested before the Dreamon .

Like he never really cared what havoc we made until the end when he resolved it but I think the disc wars really got to him . Like it was taking away his pride in his role , the overseer really couldn't keep one child in place ? But like I said , child prodigy .

That's why I blame him . It was his hatred for Tommy and my family- the outcasts that the Dreamon used to destroy our land . The Dreamon exploited all of Dreams worst parts and unfortunately for us , we were at the top of the list .

They made me do horrible things to my family , things that destroyed me . Betrayal , exile , and yet even though I ended up being one of the most hurt I never healed like the rest . I didn't get new pieces to put together in my shattered puzzle , I got the same pieces trying to fit together which just made more shatter . If not for Ranboo I may not even be here today .

And yet where am I for him ? I'm running away , ironically because that's what he wanted , but Is it right ? Shouldn't I be fighting for him ? Trying to help him in any way that I can ? No way does that really mean staying away ? Seriously?

Not to mention the fact that Tommy is back there too and Philza , what's happening with them , do they even know what's going on ? How bad have things gotten ? Will they forgive me for leaving like a coward ?

I have so many questions and Punz doesn't give a shit about any of them, he's just doing my best friend a favor .

But you know what, I'm going to save him. No more screw ups . I won't let anymore harm come to the people I love without giving a good damn fight , he deserves it .

~ The day Dream received Punzs letter ~

" I'm not going any further with you , it's time for us to go home Punz" I said as confidently as I could as we walked back into the shack we were currently staying at . Apparently this land has them all over the place , you know for refugees . Like runaway's .

" for the hundredth time-"

" No I'm serious , we can't just- just runaway ! Don't you see how this is just what it wants , for us to split up ? How can they ever win a war when there isn't any one there to fight it ? You're their top knight and you're here doing something George didn't even ask of you . This is a cowards move" I pleaded , he needs to understand .

" I promised Ranboo and he only wanted this because it's what's safest for you , don't you care about what he wants ? Or hell staying alive ? " He asked with a sigh as he sat down on his cot .

" Ranboo doesn't get to decide what's best for me when he needs help and well not really , I've been living for him ... without him I won't have a reason anymore . I need to protect him and you need to protect our land"

" Gods . Okay now don't think your sob story is why I'm agreeing to this ... Im just really tired of walking" he agreed with a small smile .

" Now what's your plan?" He asked as I started packing .

" A plan right ... shit"

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