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Karl's POV

It's been a couple of days since mine and Sapnap's come to moment at my shop and let me tell you, it's taken quite a toll on us. He believes that we're going to find George and that everything is just going to go back to normal and be great again, but I doubt that and he knows.

Sapnap has always been one to ignore his problems and he hates facing the truth if it isn't comforting. Me, well I'm a realist. I know the probability of us getting to George before something bad happens or he's corrupted is low, extremely low.

Do I really want that for my best friend, absolutely not, but I can't and won't ignore the facts. The Dreamon is known for corrupting the purest of souls for his own pleasure and I wouldn't doubt that he's doing the same to George, or at least trying to. Especially after George told us that the Dreamon has some sort of obsession for him, that sick beast is probably playing mind games with him right now.

Though these doubts and worries are real and important things we must face, I've only shared them with Sapnap because I know Dream would break. Plus I'm sure he's already thought about it despite the pain it'd cause him. Dream has already gone through so much hell and I'm sure the last thing he needs right now is for his pain to be rehashed to him when he's helpless.

The only thing he does need to worry and do anything about is his trial, which is in three days. He's supposed to prove his innocence and that the Dreamon is at large without the people of this land hearing about it, so that's why I'm on my way to meet up with Eret right now.

Eret is in charge of L'manberg while George is gone which means he's ultimately in charge of Dream and it's best he takes lead in this since Dream has a huge role and Sam could potentially anger the Gods. Even though Sam isn't the one accusing, if Dream is wrongly sentenced by his hands he'll definitely have consequences.

When I think about it though, I'm actually glad Sam was given his specific role because be does a great job at it and doesn't faulter. Sure it's annoying but I can imagine that if he just did things based on how he felt things wouldn't be as peaceful here. In fact I almost feel sorry for him, having to lock up a friend for something even when himself isn't sure be actually did anything wrong.

Now Bad, well I have no clue what's up with him. His husband has hated us for years though it's caused a rift. I guess this is all he needed to finally push us away for good. I just think it's odd how it only helped the Dreamon .

Skeppy, Bad's husband has hated us since before they started dating apparently , even before I moved here. Skeppy is the only other Royal around here besides George and Fundy and even then Fundy doesn't really count since he disowned his parents and their status. Supposedly when George became King of L'manberg Skeppy was furious and demanded that there was a mistake and that he deserved it because his family had lived in this land longer, which is factual but is irrelevant to why the role should've been given to him.

His family has a long line of hot tempered people, something George is far from. In fact Skeppy is so hot tempered that he tried to ruin George's inauguration and almost put the castle on fire, well until Dream and Sapnap caught him and kicked his ass.

He was only sentenced to a month in prison because George and his kind heart said he knew how hard it must be for him. We don't understand why though, the throne was never promised to Skeppy unlike George. George was almost too kind, he was kind enough to not hold it against him but Skeppy didn't care. When him and Bad fell in love Skeppy whilst also stealing his heart, tried stealing him away from them/us.

So it makes sense why he'd jump to blame Dream even with all of the evidence we have proving otherwise. It's just sad how many pure hearts are easily tainted. One of my duties as a wizard is to help those in need spiritually and let me tell you, Skeppy could really use some help. He holds his ancestors rage and it's ruining him.

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