History Always Repeats | 12 |

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AN : Hey guys I hope you're enjoying the story, your comments really encourage me to keep writing so thank you! Feel free to suggest things or make theories, you may just inspire me ;) Please excuse any spelling errors, consider voting, don't be shy to comment and I hope you enjoy!

TW : There are some intense scenes in this chapter, if you dislike yelling or physical violence I advise you to skip this chapter, though it's nothing too severe.

~ Ranboo's POV ~

You could say that the days that passed went by slow or you could say they went by fast, but I, well I wouldn't even know. It's been about a week now since I've slept , or at least purposely. Every now and then I fall asleep for minutes at a time but I'm fighting with everything in me to not completely pass out . Gods know what would happen if I were to fall asleep and wake up in possession of my other half. Would I hurt George ? Blindly follow the Dreamon ?

Was my other half truly evil or just fine being used as a pawn? I had so many questions and yet no one to answer them. I had no way to contact my other half and no way would I ever just willing strike up a conversation with the Dreamon about it. I know he knows more than he's letting on, he probably knows more than I can even think of to ask. But I'd be stupid to believe that he would tell me anything for my sake without a price.

I still felt guilty for what I did to Tubbo, but I knew that by now they had to be at least at the edge of our lands boarders, the most already out of it. I knew Punz was trust worthy, I just hope he doesn't ever give into Tubbo's begging. I know Tubbo and he'd probably try anything to get back, to do something since he feels so helpless. That's something else he had confessed to me when we started getting close way back, that the one thing he regrets the most through all of his trauma is not doing more.

For the longest time he had to rely on Tommy, Sapnap- everyone else but himself. He said he tried doing things himself but it never turned out right, so what could he really do besides turn into a pawn of his own destruction? But then, before things could get any worse, I came into the picture and somehow helped heal whatever was left of him. I think that had to be one of the most great but oddest things that's happened to me.

I came into this land in the midst of a war and I had no clue what was going on, well consciously and yet I still had so much effect . Something that I figured out a while ago that I never even told Tubbo, was that I knew that during Dream's dark era, the Dreamon-he was using me. I just thought It'd never happen again so I wouldn't need to bring it up, I never thought that he still had control over me after he was expelled from our realm. It was stupid to think in such a way, blind hopefulness.

He had been manipulating me to do all of his dirty work, it was before i knew what was going on with me, and trust me when I finally figured it all out I felt guilty for- well I still do. I had been so relieved when I thought it was over, but then when everything went quiet again and I could think straight, I started realizing what was going on with me and well you know the rest.

And throughout all of that, war, healing, the secrets , depression, me and Tubbo became close. It's been about around two years I think? Barely if that. One of the main reasons I trust Punz so much is because he was the first person ( besides Dream) here in this land to befriend me, though we never got as close as me and Tubbo are. I kind of view him like a favorite cousin, you don't talk or see each other often, but when you do the bond you both hold feels like it never went away.

He helped me get situated in the beginning, get to know around the towns and he was actually the one who introduced me to Tubbo. So many things led to others, but somehow no matter how impossible it seems, I cannot remember anything before showing up to this land.

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